Wednesday 15 June 2011

Potty Mouth Chucky Swears At Madeleine McCann

Look what Tony has found:

Why, it's Chucky the Victim using a four letter word to describe Madeleine McCann!
Chucky really hates that child, doesn't she?


  1. Carly's Mother Threw The Wrong Thing Out.
    She Should Have Kept The Bath Water.

  2. Isn't she a lovely person. So kind and caring...... not. I bet her father would be proud to read that post.

  3. I would think her family would be deeply ashamed of her if they knew what she got up to on the internet.
    Her entire life revolves around hating the McCanns and their daughter - remember her vile post about hoping Madeleine was playing with the Christmas angels?
    Whereever chucky fetches up in the afterlife, there won't be any angels around after her conduct in this life.

  4. I can't seem to post using firefox for some reason?

  5. If her parents saw her posts I'm sure they would be mortified, Bonny. I wonder if she discusses what she writes with them?

    Hello again MsM. So wonderful to see you. xxxx

  6. MsM. Upgrade to the latest firefox.

  7. I might do later, Tony, as long as it doesn't swipe all my favourites as it did once before.
