Wednesday 22 June 2011


As Ms Brown is the current darling of the pitchforkers, here's a simple challenge.

Can anyone give a single example of a crime which she has 'profiled' anything like correctly?

Because her track record seems to be pretty poor, frankly.

Indeed, her record seems to match  the usual anti-McCann record of being 100% wrong, 100% of the time.

Which is not surprising, given that the basis of her 'profile' of the McCanns seems to have come straight from the Hounder Researchers.

Everyone has been howling with laughter at her 'profile', as it became clear that she didn't read the police files before she wrote it.

Heck, she didn't even look at the pictures.

Because if she had, she would never, ever have said something as stupid and totally wrong as this:

Furthermore there is lichen on the windowsill which shows no sign of disturbance

How hard would it have been to look at the pictures? Kinda basic for a real profiler, I would have thought.

No wonder she thought the two black men who were the Beltway Snipers were one white guy...

ETA, pic from Tony's blog to give the 'profiler' a clue as to why she really should have looked at the pictures..


  1. LOL that was a mistake and a half for a professional profiler to do.

    Not look at photos? You don't need to if your gut is doing the talking, do you?

    I wonder what her teacher would think about her current attempts?

  2. This teacher that Tony made posts about.....

    "Profiler Brent Turvey, who at one time was Pat Brown's teacher, said the following about the peripatetic profiling pundit:

    Pat Brown (...)approached me years ago, after taking several courses, to get my assistance in naming a person that she was essentially stalking as a serial murderer. No evidence. No proof. Just her firm belief that she knew better than anyone else. I of course refused, told her to stop stalking the guy lest she find herself arrested, and this did not make her happy at all. Ignoring admonishments regarding this and other terribly unprofessional conduct, she continues to go her own way in her corner of the profiling community..."

  3. Rattled cage alert:

    ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    Have to laugh! I am considered integrity-challenged over a low priced book while Kate and Gerry #McCann make massive money off people.


    'integrity-challenged'? Is that profilerspeak for slinging a load of poorly - no, unresearched rubbish together, charging idiots $3 for it, and getting involved with some of the nastiest pondlife and bottomfeeders to be found anywhere on the internet?

    Even Morais won't let Brown's new-found chums into her forum, which really should have told Pitchforker Profiler something.

  4. There you go, Bonny. It's always about money and that is what fuels the hate campaign against the McCanns.

    They cannot face the fact that Madeleine was abducted and that searching for her costs a lot of money. The McCanns have been fortunate, at least to have been successful in fund raising efforts. Other people have not been so lucky, which is very sad for them.

  5. Let me add, she is not considered integrity-challenged, she is.

  6. ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    Have to laugh! I am considered integrity-challenged over a low priced book.
    Pat, step away from the mirror; there is no need to keep punishing yourself like this.

  7. But Tony....... we get punished when we look at her photo. Why should we be the only ones to suffer?


  8. Go look on my blog


    You know it is really, really bad when you find yourself agreeing with SWALK.

    I hadn't expected the 'profile' to be quite as bad as it is.

    Did Bennett help her write it?

  10. Makes you think that way doesn't it

  11. It looks like that profile has been done for Brown, and she's just copied and pasted it.

    Notice the amount of none American wording and spellings and also the use of Portuguese wording and spelling.

    For god sake someone buy her a colouring book and crayons.

  12. You all need to stop 'cause I'm going to pee my pants from laughing.


    Bonny, I think even SWALK would agree with us about that. LOLOLOLOLOL

  14. I think you mean a picture book 'cause she sure didn't look at the ones in the files.

  15. Speaking of the non-American wording etc, that reminds me. Americans don't know what the word 'dole' is, unless you are talking about pineapples.

    Could be Bennett. I think he is A Brewer on Amazon? If so, he did give her a welcome on there today.

  16. That's a good point, Lily - an American would have said 'welfare' or something, wouldn't they?

  17. Yes Mac, we would use the term welfare.

  18. I had meant to mention that earlier and forgot. No worries.

    Someone has definitely been feeding her something. The blind leading the blind. LOL

  19. We do use the term on the dole meaning taking a bribe.

  20. Actually, I'm wrong. That's how I've always thought of that term, but looking it up it would be welfare here in the states.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. That's exactly correct, Zenny.

  23. Anyone seen Stevo recently?

  24. Funny you should mention that. I've been thinking about that too. I wonder if he and Bennett have kissed and made up?

  25. Wonder if he has been helping Ms Brown with her 'research'?

  26. Oh dear.

    #mccann… Profiler uses message boards to do criminal profiling? I've seen it all now!!


    mccannexposure hardlinemarxist
    #mccann I know it's painful when the u realise u have been taken 4 a ride, but hey, don't shoot the messenger
    5 hours ago

  27. I wonder if he's the one helping her - someone is that's for sure.

    Look at what Petermac posted yesterday...

    For another two pounds read the Kindle edition of the Profile of the case by Pat Brown. Fascinating stuff.

  28. Oh my very dear!

    Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann McCannexposure seems to be jealous as hell; not really sure why. The Profile should simply add another voice to the discussion but they are making a mountain out of the molehill they say it is.
    3 hours ago · 1 person

  29. There are times you really miss those smileys, Bonny.

    *popcorn one*

  30. justice4maddie Seeking justice
    @mccannexposure which side of fence you sat on tonight? #McCann JUDAS
    3 hours ago

    *more popcorn*

  31. pinkypoo666 Firestarter
    @ProfilerPatB So not a footnote saying "this is lies and Im out to make a quick buck" then? pmsl #mccann
    3 hours ago



  32. LOL things are heating up.

    *even more popcorn*

  33. pinkypoo666 Firestarter
    @ProfilerPatB So not a footnote saying "this is lies and Im out to make a quick buck" then? pmsl #mccann
    3 hours ago




  34. I'm so confused.... Isn't pinkypoo666 a McCann hater?

  35. No, pinky isn't, Zenny, but it is all getting very confusing.

    Hardline Marxist is in the hate camp - she is the one who starred on the BBC, SWALK-ing a letter to Gonc.

    But she also seems fully aware that Ms Brown is a fraud...

  36. Meanwhile, you have Petermac complementing the Pretendy Profiler about her e-book.

  37. Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann Thanks very much, Kay! You HAVE done a lot! And I appreciate it because the other side is spreading a bunch of lies about me now!
    Monday at 14:07.

    Which side is that? Our side or the other other side? Like SWALK?

  38. Oh, that is confusing, isn't it? SWALK is most definitely NOT 'our side'.
    She appears to be operating as a sort of Lone Gunman....

  39. SWALK sure is. Mind you, she could also be talking about those links that we've found to people discrediting her. The most damning of which was from Brent Turvey.

    If we call her a fake, and a liar it's because we have researched her.

  40. mccannexposure hardlinemarxist
    @mccnr9 McCanns, Kennedy + Corner tried to gag me, not a chance. In near future I will be publishing & distributing bi-monthly free paper

    *bigger supply of popcorn*

  41. Good God. What on earth is going on?

    Any bets on how long before she gets banned from Havern's?

  42. I have absolutely no idea what is going on, Sabot.
    But it is most entertaining.

  43. It does make you wonder that doesn't it, Sabot? That is if it really is that so called criminal profiler on there?

  44. Here is a profile of this profile what I have done.

    My special profiling skills what I have decided I have got are telling me sum Truthseeker in America told Talking Head there was a whole load of gullible fools around what buy any old tat if it's got Woofs Don't Lie on it.

    And Talking Head could get make loads of $$$$$ an get round Carter Ruck by just making it electron....electirc....on one of them Kiddie things.

    An a Researcher in America would tell her all his research an good theories about how the Evil McCanns done IT an escaped on the queens yot.

    Cept the Researcher in America didn't mention the only people who buy the Research were a bunch of whackjobs what like Myra Hindley or are fat potty mouth blokes what pretend to be fat women.

    Or fat blokes what make fillums about fish.

    An the Talking Head didn't know any of this cos she never was a real profiler to begin with so didn't bother finding out anything before she stuck her name on the Kiddie.

    That is the Profile of the scam what I done.

  45. Bravo Mac The Profiler- applause from across the pond.

    You sound like you have done lots and lots of research.

    Can I be really bold and suggest you might even know the identity of the Truthseeker in America?

    It's just that there is someone known on some forums who fits the description. Spooky.

  46. I just heard that Crap Brown is having financial problems; hence her need to peddle her latest crap.

  47. You did, Zenny? Are the sources credible?

  48. I'm checking with my source.

  49. What I find ironic about the brown nosing woman scenario ?

    There were Blackwatch-The Author-Logicman-and countless other keyboard warriors, sitting in their Gran's box rooms (maybe individually, maybe collectively) typing away furiously - but credit where credit is due -they tried to be original in their 'theories' at last:

    theories about aximuths/the last photo/the new world order/Brown on a rocking horse/Royston cave

    and new kid on the block-profiler Brown, comes along-copies and pastes from various forums and Tone's crapola

    and Brown ends up making dosh out of it

    the trailblazers must be spitting feathers
    all that effort-over years-and nowt to show for it-while the US upstart is raking it in on Amazon

    that would be hilarious-if it wasn't so sick-making money out of a tragedy

    Go away Pat Brown-the only profile you will ever recognise is when you look sideways in a mirror-and that is not a pretty sight

  50. Actually she filed for bankruptcy a while back and student loans cannot be discharged so she would have to list it. If she truly has a master's from Boston U, we can verify via her public records. Let me see what I can find.

  51. Thank very much Zenny.

    Ah, so that's why she ranted about student loans the other day? It makes complete sense because Tony wondered about that. I can't remember the year that she got her degree but I remember thinking that she should have repaid by now?

    So in other words, she is desperate?

    Good points Anonymous.

  52. That makes sense - yes, we did wonder about the loan, what with Ms Brown being a media star.
    Maybe she thought she could make easy money out of Madeleine?

  53. We can see that her intention was to make money out of the child by the speed in which she did it.

    If you keep the price low and sell loads, you could have a nice little money earner.

    Yep, another exploiter named Pat Brown latching on to the most famous missing child's case.

    Please notice that she has done it soon after Kate's book so she is most likely hoping to catch the eye of the same shopppers. What's an extra couple of squids when you think about it?

  54. The haters' messiah number 53 - Pat Brown

    has one thing in common with Goncalo Amaral

    neither she nor he met (as in sat down together and discussed matters)mano-a-mano-with G&K

    yet both are arrogant enough to draw conclusions on what happened in May 2007 ?

    A shared hubris

    A shared fall from grace

  55. The audience of pitchforkers she has aimed at will fork out happily, because it is music to their ears.
    Last thing they want to hear is that Ms Brown is yet another snake oil salesman.
    She may have fallen into the trap of thinking 'everyone' hates the McCanns, when in reality, her only market is those whackjobs currently massaging her ego.
    I am genuinely stunned at just how BAD it is; never mind her half-baked opinions, she simply did not do the most basic things, like checking the police files before she hit Submit.
    It's trash, from where I am sitting.

  56. I agree with you Bonny in that, she probably thought there were larger numbers of pitchforkers than there really are.

    She probably read about all those thousands of people who do not believe the McCanns and the $$ popped up in her eyes. The throng that people like Bennett, not forgetting Stevo, have consistently told us about.

    She's said nothing new in that book. Made loads of factual errors and as you say, didn't even bother with the police files.

    Someone could do a demolition job of it in no time, if they were so inclined.

  57. She could be sued for false statements by anyone who pays for it.

  58. Tony, she is a fool for writing that, pure and simple It is on Amazon UK. Go figure.

  59. She's gona be a dolefiler soon lol.

  60. It is Goncalo's new book. He helped get it published, I'll bet! LOL!

  61. Is that the best he could do? LOL LOL LOL

  62. I read somewhere that she wasn't worried about CR. I think on her FB page. Then she puts her book on sale in the UK. You couldn't make it up.

  63. This is my experience with people like her. She lives in a cave and thinks that those damn Brits know nothing. 'Cause I'm from America, it gives me some sort of credibility. Those people are too stupid to know that I'm a hack and that most Americans roll their eyes when they hear my name. A new audience to fool.

  64. Gosh. I soooo want to reply to her stupid post about her dinner.

    ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    Don't you hate it when you sit down at the computer with a tasty dinner and then you realize you ate it and don't remember doing it?

    My reply,

    Yeah, know what you mean. It's hard to remember sucking the blood out of innocent victims.

  65. I just love this comment rom another forum on her:

    "This knowledge of her own inefficiency in her chosen profession is at least one of the sources of her insecurity. She knows that in order to gain any credibility she has to bamboozle her listeners into accepting the fallacy that something is true just because an authority figure says so. That's why she can never, ever admit to a mistake."

    Says it all really doesn't it, and even applies to bennett, who used the same tactics. Nice to see a few of the 'antis' aren't buying into her cr*p!


  66. More quotes - These are, as the above one, from (I think)USA posters:

    "She's given a profession opinion without understanding the situation....which makes her an ignorant fool."

    " .... this freak is probably getting off on all the media attention .... "

    " if it was some kind of little thrill and not the serious and complex case that it is. That is another shining example of her lack or complete absence of professionalism."

    "She is totally a dingbat. Jesus, maybe she could moderate a female type of Jerry Springer show. That would be more to her abilities than anything else."

    " .... call her out on her "poor me, I'm being picked on by supporters [of the WM3 BS]? The harsh truth is that her book was being trashed on Amazon before us lot even heard of her. That's what happens when you write a shit book - people trash you on Amazon."

    "You were being trashed on Amazon long before supporters of the wm3 had ever even heard of you. Much as you might like to pretend that this is some kind of persecution from a particular group, the simple truth is that you earned those bad reviews with the poor quality of your work.

    If you want decent reviews, write a decent book."

  67. Oh Dear. So Pat Brown is making more money out of Tone's ramblings and distortions and dubious sauces than Tone is.
    That won't go down well.

    What a dilemma for Havern's Hussies. Who will support her and who won't?

    Love the comment about sucking the blood out of innocent victims, Zenny.

  68. Oh, the irony...

    ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    Never ceases to amaze me how some people read something about a person on the Internet and immediately believe it to be fact.


    She should have thought of that before she pitchforked the McCanns, shouldn't she?

  69. More whinging about money:

    Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann You are very correct. There are only a few victims' organizations that get big funding. I finally gave up trying to get any and also gave up trying to get donations. I have been funding pro bono work out of pocket for over a decade. I do as much as I can afford to but sometimes I have to tell a department or family they are going have to wait until I can get an opportunity for some paid job to be in the same location so I can tag the pro bono onto it and cut the cost a bit. I do as much as I can long distance so it is just my time and not travel costs. I wish I COULD get a big grant and then bring in interns and we could really do a lot.


    I wonder if the reason she has to work pro bono is because no-one in their right mind would pay her for such shoddy work?

  70. Well now, so Pat Brown has come up against some serious opposition, has she. Someone is nicking her Copyright? Some people are slagging her off?
    Some people actually have the audacity to express opinions about her?

    Where have I heard this before?

    Next thing you know she will be added to the list of people The McCanns have ruined.

    I think someone should start a Fund for the poor soul. I've still got all of those Old French Francs that no one wants.

  71. I found a peseta in my desk the other day, Sabot, maybe that would help dry her tears...
    Why do they always, always do this? First there are the shrieks if anyone dare criticize them, then come the moans about being deprived of money to continue their wonderful work, perish the thought they should be gaining by it.
    Give Brown another 2 hours and she is going to be gibbering about Dark Forces, Team McCann and Carter Ruck.
    Anything rather than admit she is doing this for her own benefit.
    Or that her 'profile' is a pile of pants.

  72. *that should be 24 hours, not 2*

  73. Look at this:

    Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
    FYI, all my profiling work for law enforcement and families is pro bono, so buying my book simply helps victims


    Bollocks! She shouldn't be allowed to meddle anywhere near victims of crime.

    No-one who thinks young girls are 'asking for a beating' or whatever should be allowed anywhere near people, in fact.

    Having seen her abysmal 'research', she is careless, wonder she is an embarrassment to genuine, qualified profilers.

  74. I don't believe she does it for free, Bonny. She can sue me. I hope she keeps good accounts.

    And who helps her Victims? And what does she think she is doing to The McCanns?

    Copy and Paste, Copy and Paste. Estelle did a better job at that than she doing. And I never thought I would say that.

  75. She won't care what she is doing to the McCanns - and more importantly, Madeleine, Sabot - the likes of her never do.
    I suspect she is attempting to rescue her less than stellar career after egg-on-face incidents in the States like the Fort Hood killings, or the Beltway Sniper(s).
    She didn't care what she was doing to the teenager who was beaten up, did she? That didn't win her any fans, except amongst those who think crime victims are 'asking for it'.
    She is clearly out of her depths now, with no grasp at all of the police files.
    And you have to be really desperate to want praised by fans of Myra Hindley, or freaks like Fat Slag.
    With any luck, this will bury what is left of her 'career' and she will stop embarrassing professional profilers.

  76. So she joined The Bennett Levy Amaral Club. Sadly, they won't be pleased about this since none of them appear to have read The Files and have all come up with different unsustainable theories. Their sort of success is only temporary, and fueled by gullible fools. They all destroy their own credibility in the end, simply by their ignorance.
    I mean, what idiot cribs off Bennett's sauces? I am beginning to think that she is insane as well.

  77. FYI, all my profiling work for law enforcement and families is pro bono, so buying my book simply helps victims

    Hang on a minute, something is wrong with the above, I think and is one for Tony.

    Victims of crime go to the police. Don't LE hire and pay for a criminal profiler when necessary?

  78. Ah, doesn't she mean helps herself? FGS, what is wrong with this woman? She has a screw loose.

  79. Mac said "Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
    FYI, all my profiling work for law enforcement and families is pro bono, so buying my book simply helps victims"
    Brown shut the hell up. You are a liar and a walking cluster fluck and an embarrassment to the profession of profiling.
    You wanted attention, well now you have it, and nobody wants you around them.
    Your display over the last seventy two hours (72), has been appalling. Have you no shame? Have you no self esteem? You have been ostracize by the professionals so you have to resort to trawling the Internet for your accolades.
    For pity sake woman stop embarrassing yourself and grow up!

  80. That is what she means Zenny. It means she is not hired as a profiler by LE and is why she isn't paid. Saying she does work pro bono makes her sound very noble doesn't it?

    She sounds like a sick manipulative narcissistic person looking for gullible fools.

    There you are Tony. Good post!

  81. lily said...
    "FYI, all my profiling work for law enforcement and families is pro bono, so buying my book simply helps victims"
    Okay, buying her book simply helps victims?
    Wrong, buying her book puts the money in her pocket.
    All her work for Law Enforcement is pro bono.
    That could be true, only a madman would pay for her crap.

    As for the victims and their families; I know what young Victoria's family think of Brown.

  82. Brown shut the hell up. You are a liar and a walking cluster fluck and an embarrassment to the profession of profiling.
    You wanted attention, well now you have it, and nobody wants you around them.
    Your display over the last seventy two hours (72), has been appalling. Have you no shame? Have you no self esteem? You have been ostracize by the professionals so you have to resort to trawling the Internet for your accolades.
    For pity sake woman stop embarrassing yourself and grow up!


    Well said Tony!

  83. FYI, all my profiling work for law enforcement and families is pro bono, so buying my book simply helps victims"


    Ah, I've figured it out. She missed something off after 'simply helps'. to harass and/or stalk my victims.

  84. Yes, there is something seriously wrong with that statement. "Buying my books only helps victims."

    She only sees victims when she is going that way anyway, so she doesn't have to charge them too much for expenses. So what does she spend the money on that she earns from her books?

    Basically she pays herself for her time by selling this crap, which she garners by picking the brains of her miserable victims, and then jumping to the wrong conclusions.

    Nice work if you can get it. No wonder LE don't employ her.

  85. There is nothing altruistic about her, Sabot.

    Look how many vultures circle and pounce onto making money off the back of Madeleine McCann.

  86. Look how many Prats have jumped on and lauded her deeply flawed Profile.
    But then they would, since they haven't read The Files either.

    This must be causing much consternation on Havern's. And I am gutted for them.

    Loads more Popcorn.

  87. She, should by herself a set of greens and; slither off into the swamps where she belongs.

  88. And look at who her leading defenders are, Sabot.
    The Myra Hindley fan. The obscene Fat Slag, who pretends to be a woman. Lilemore of the necrophile avatar. VVThug, warned by the police for threatening the Mitchell family and others.
    Some profiler she is, that she doesn't see anything wrong with those nutjobs.

  89. I think it's a howl a minute, Bonny. She would have done better to keep her head down on this one.
    She has joined a bunch of raving nutters, so she must have sold at least six books to that lot. About $20 to totally ruin her already laughable reputation.

    As you say, some profiler. She obviously can't spot a real lunatic.

  90. Mac said...
    "And look at who her leading defenders are, Sabot.
    The Myra Hindley fan. The obscene Fat Slag, who pretends to be a woman. Lilemore of the necrophile avatar. VVThug, warned by the police for threatening the Mitchell family and others.
    Some profiler she is, that she doesn't see anything wrong with those nutjobs"
    Pat Brown, has the habit of profiling her fans.
    She, will find out everything about them she can.
    Before long, we will know things we don't need to know about her fans.

  91. Sabot, it's usually the crazy people that can see crazy 'cause they can relate to those sorts of people. I'm not surprised she's hanging with these loons.

  92. We already know too much about some of her fans, I don't think we want to find out any more.

  93. Is it me, or has Ms Brown gone quiet on the subject of her 'profile'?

  94. Well, my emails have slowed. You could be right, Mac :)

  95. If anyone would like to read sane, accurate info, they may find this site of interest:

  96. If Brown has in fact slowed down on her ill-informed diatribe, it might have to do with her recalling the old maxim of 'When in a hole-stop digging'

    Or she might have had a realisation regarding the haters who supported and promoted her tissue of lies and half-truths-whilst humming to herself-inadvertendly,

    Stealer's Wheel's-'Stuck in the middle with you'

    Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right

    Either way the sooner Pat Brown goes back to being a homemaker and keeping her beak shut - the better

    She's welcome to the 50-odd $ she made out of this little adventure

    Better donate that to a children's charity Pat, if you want to save your soul

    there ain't-after all, no butter in hell

    and that, as they say stateside-is a fact

  97. These are the words of Pat Brown herself from her own blog.

    "As a criminal profiler, I have also sometimes been criticized for theorizing about a case I have not personally been privy to the actual facts from inside the investigation. As I do a lot of television commentary, this is quite often the case for me; I only can theorize based on the “facts” outlined by the media. Therein lays the difference between public speculating and true criminal profiling as part of an investigative team. The latter is going to be one hell of a lot more accurate!"

    Oct 24th 2007

    "One has to be careful when analyzing from a distance if a particular person or persons is exhibiting guilt concerning the commission of a crime. Until there is hard physical evidence linking a perpetrator or perpetrators to a crime, the case is tried in court and a conviction is handed down by a jury or judge, all is still speculation."

    Oct 4th 2007

  98. I'm sorry, but if that is the case, why is she saying Gerry and Kate are guilty in her profile. She tries to put a bunch disclaimers on it, but the sheer fact that she's commenting at all in her professional role, she is saying they are guilty.

  99. Some lovely weasel words in there, aren't there?
