Saturday 18 June 2011


Silly question really - because if you have set out your stall as a 'criminal profiling expert', there is no barrel you will not scrape through the bottom of for a few more bucks.
And if you also have an ego the size of Texas, you will take any adoration - even when it is from foul-mouthed pervy men pretending to be fat women, nonentities who make films about fish - even fans of Hindley are welcome!

You are very brave opening this page Pat, you will be bombarded by the McCann defenders, good luck xxx

And what, pray tell, is wrong with defending the parents of a missing child, who were declared innocent of any crime - were not even charged with anything?
Far better than defending a femal serial killer who helped her lover torture children to death:

Ms Pat Brown, media superstar, is currently having her ego massaged on Facebook by some of the worst bottom feeders ever to crawl out from under rocks. They are also trying to tell each other that 'McCann defenders' will attack the poor ickle wickle 'profiler'on Amazon.
Dream on.

Because no-one can really be bothered. Her latest effort bears as much relation to reality as her 'profiling' of the Beltway Sniper did.
You know, the criminal she insisted was one white man and turned out to be two black guys?

That one still has real profilers rolling in the aisles.

Ms Brown, without the soft-focus

She has clearly set her sights on the anti-McCann  market, with which she has much in 
common - like a scant regard for reality, the truth, police files, the law - just about everything, really.
No doubt she will soon be gracing some Portuguese daytime TV couch with Gonc  and his Stooges, who, like Ms Brown, regard Madeleine as nothing more than a money-maker.

They certainly don't care about the child, or they would not keep up this relentless insistence that she is dead, at her parents' hands, despite there not being one shred of evidence of this.
Why do I think she will shortly be gracing Portuguese TV in search of a few more €€€€€€€€?

Here's why - note the publishers:

Why do the nasties always fall for Pied Pipers? Are they that desperate?


  1. Hmm just googled that Brown person - not much to be seen

    criminal profiler eh ? What's her success rate-does anyone know ?

    100% like the primed wonder dogs ?

    She sure has some vitriol for the McCanns.

    The haters formed into a cult some years ago - salivating at the thought, some messiah might bring K&G down-false prophets they had a'plenty:

    we had Freind in the US-Hitchens (sp) in Australia-chap who made money out of bagging Madeleine related domain names-Reis/Levy-on a fishing trip that never produced any fish-Coldwater/The Author/Logicman-and other assorted fruitloop keyboard warriors - who still live with their mums

    Then Uncle Tone arrived-but he's like Jazz nowadays-not dead yet-but ponging a bit

    Nature abhors a vacuum so this Brown person steps up to make a quick buck-not pretty enough to be a news anchor-not smart enough to write an episode of CSI

    But the sheeple adore her

    Case of

    follow the sandal


    (Madeleine rendered a footnote-yet again) - that's how the haters like it.

    To actively wish a child dead for profit-as in Brown's case or amusement as in the hater's case

    is wrong and inhumane at every level

    winding neck in as we speak

  2. Maggs posted a lot about her background in another thread: I'll copy it here, as it explains a great deal:

    Maggs said...
    Come across this re the fake Pat Brown profiler.
    She's as bigger shit stirrer than Bennet is.

    Part One

    Somewhere on the Internet, I forget on which blog, I once defended Brown. The author of a post was complaining that Brown was a dilettante in the world of criminal profiling. I'm unsure of the exact nature of his complaints but he pretty much claimed she was a liar, a fraud and didn't deserve any respect. I defended Brown, though I was in no way a fan, because at that time I didn't see what her lack of formal profiling training had to do with her worth as a professional.

    But I didn't know then that aside from formal training in criminal profiling Brown also lacked compassion, common sense and most importantly class, as evidenced by this post where Brown claims that Victoria Lindsay, the girl who was assaulted by 8 teens who video taped the beating and posted it on youtube, deserved what she got:

    Quote from Pat Brown, "I am going to be really politically incorrect today. I have been reading up on all the sympathy oozing everywhere on the Internet and in the media for the 16-year-old Victoria Lindsay, the girl who got her butt kicked by six of her friends. Yes, those girls were mean and nasty and deserved to get a jail term. But, for some reason - well, for a pretty good reason - I just don't feel that sorry for Victoria."
    Why? First of all, these were her friends - not strangers and not some bullies from school she had tried her best to avoid. Friends - as in these are the girls I hang out with and live with. Water seeks its own level and I wonder that Victoria - were another girl being targeted - wouldn't have gone along with the group melee and thrown some punches herself.

    Secondly, why were all these girls so ticked off at Victoria? It is said she talked smack on MySpace, saying some really vicious stuff and saying she was going to fight them. So, she flamed these girls publicly, possibly embarrassing them and humiliating them. Then she said she would fight them. Seems like they brought the fight to her and she turned out to be all bark and no bite; she didn't even throw one punch. She wimped out, took the beating, and begged them to let her go. She wasn't as tough as she tried to pretend to be.

    But, regardless of her behaviors, because Victoria ended up the unhappy loser of this girl bashing, she is being made out to be a totally innocent lamb. I am guessing the trash talk she put on MySpace was just the tip of the iceberg for this girl's past behaviors. Apparently, she isn't living at home and her father states in an interview that she has had her share of problems. She clearly admits to her friends during the assault that she had been drunk (during one of the times the girls found whatever she did offensive) and said she had grown up since then.

    Hey, this girl is barely sixteen. She has a problem with drinking and she isn't living with her parents. Apparently, Victoria's parents want to blame MySpace instead of their lack of parenting that surely contributed to Victoria ending up as a punching bag.
    Say what? By Pat Brown's logic if you're date raped you're partially responsible because you were friends with the guy who did it, and thus probably a rapist yourself. By Brown's logic any victim of a crime that knows the perpetrator is partially to blame for their victimization.
    16 June 2011 19:51

  3. Maggs said...
    Part two

    Worse is Brown's insistence that Victoria Lindsay's "flaming" of one of these girls is enough to take away Lindsay's victim status. She's saying that being bad-mouthed on the Internet is a mitigating circumstance, that talking trash about a person makes you less a victim if they physically assault you later. It's a vile and childish thesis that would be reprehensible enough if one of the perpetrators voiced it, for Pat Brown, who assumes the mantle of champion for crime victims, a voice for the voiceless, it becomes contemptible.

    I'd better lock my doors because the title of this post might bring the wrath of a bat-wielding Brown down on me like the judgment of the gods! Of course I would have gotten what I deserved in Brown's estimation.

    The glee with which Brown dwells on Victoria Lindsay's brutalization and troubled home life makes her seem less like a professional criminologist and more like a spiteful, catty harpy who sees the young girl through the eyes of someone who has yet unresolved issues with girls she went to high school with. It is the delight of a petty and unkind woman who can't bring herself to sympathize with a teenage girl who was victimized and humiliated on camera because she doesn't approve of the scant specifics we happen to know about her life.

    It is here that she proves herself a charlatan, a cheap and transparent player on a stage too big for a person so small. The crime-fighting Brown cannot bring herself to even pretend on her free blog that she is disturbed by the violent degradation of a young girl caught on camera, even if that's what a criminal profiler is supposed to say. If she can't rise above her vindictive immaturity, her indecent resentment of the girl, long enough to understand why the rest of us would sympathize with Victoria Lindsay than I find Brown's ability to "profile" anyone highly suspect.

    Like a petulant child, Brown demands that we accept her expertise in analyzing the psyche of complex and troubled individuals, yet cannot even look into her simple, jealous, unkind heart and see that her condemnation of Victoria Lindsay is less a product of the teen's behavior and more the product of Brown's disagreeable nature.

    Pat Brown is a woman who claims, in essence, to be able to understand sociopaths. If she were more reflective she'd see some irony there.

    I shouldn't have defended Brown then, I regret it. I should have taken the time to read all her writings and I would have seen the evidence plainly of what kind of person she is. She's nothing more than a crime groupie, a self-important armchair criminologist who is as full of venom and contempt for the victims of crime as the criminals themselves. Had she not fancied herself a profiler I'd have no doubt she'd be mailing letters to Manson now, or posting anti-Semitic rants on Dailykos.

    As long as she got to express her contempt for someone, she'd be happy. And isn't that what much of her career is based on? Contempt for the police? Isn't Pat brown claiming the cops can't do their job right without her?

    Stay classy Pat Brown.
    16 June 2011 19:52

  4. Here is where Ms Brown blamed the victim for being beaten up:

    SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2008
    Criminal Profiling Topic of the Day: What's Victoria's Secret?

    God Almighty - look how Brown ends it:

    Victoria may have suffered a good deal of fear and pain during this slap down but, if she were my kid, the first thing I would have asked her is "Did you deserve it?" And if she did, I would have told her I hope she learned her lesson.

    I hope Victoria learned hers.

    Criminal Profiler Pat Brown


    I feel ill; no wonder she is the haters' latest idol.
    No doubt she is all in favor of torturing people in police custody, too.
    What a vile, vile woman.

    Can you imagine a young girl, going home battered and bloody, having been attacked by SIX other girls - and her mother telling her it was her own fault?


  5. Thanks Mac:

    This decribes the latest vulture perfectly:

    'It is here that she proves herself a charlatan, a cheap and transparent player on a stage too big for a person so small'

    Madeleine as a commodity-a cypher/object for Brown to make money out of.

    Has Brown actually solved any crimes through her 'expertise' ? Or is she just another coiffured gobsh.te ?

    Hang on - I think I answered that myself

    Give me Mystic Meg anyday-at least she was a laugh

  6. astounding-in a very bad way

    'Victoria may have suffered a good deal of fear and pain during this slap down but, if she were my kid, the first thing I would have asked her is "Did you deserve it?" And if she did, I would have told her I hope she learned her lesson.

    I hope Victoria learned hers.

    Criminal Profiler Pat Brown'

    should read 'Criminal Sadist Pat Brown'

    hope you and Tone have heartening fireside chats
    about your heroes Mengele and Pol Pot

    sick sick indeed-and the haters lick these people's spit-most peculiar


  7. Jut another one making money off a missing child's back.
    I would love to know when she spoke to the McCanns and the two Law Enforcements involved?
    I mean, before writing a book you do indepth research, don't you?

  8. she wrote letters to G&K and she's welcome to that

    I bet those letters went into the 'nutters box'

    If said letters ever arrived - Brown seems akin to Tone as both never put their hands in their own pockets

    recall Tone asking for free rides and pies to get to his ill-attended functions

    these messiahs are mean, tight-fisted plonkers

    Anyone really interested in the fate of Madeleine would not have any truck with these snake-oil sales people


    -call it karma, call it divine retribution - don't soil yourself anymore than you have done already

    criticism/discussion is good - blind hatred will eat your souls - what's left of 'em

  9. Mac asked "Why do the nasties always fall for Pied Pipers?"
    You do remember what the Pied Piper was initially hired for, don't you? :)

  10. Tony, you just siad it

    I would love to know when she spoke to the McCanns and the two Law Enforcements involved?

    I bet she was knocked back and put in the "nutters" box by the McCanns. Thats why she's doing this, just like the bald headed trolley pusher.

  11. Oh dear, she is having hysterics all over the Myra Hindley fan because someone laughed at her:

    Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
    The haters have struck! If you are from the UK and haven't posted a review at Amazon, I could use your help! If you go to post one, refer to "Hotrod" in your post, the one who just put up a FIVE STAR review called, "Ignore the Official Files"! The review is NOT a positive one, but a cleverly disguised attempt to discredit me and ruin book sales. ( cont. below)


    No dear, you discredited yourself long ago.
    And it might have helped if you had actually read the police files before you churned that dross out.
    Still, as long as the goons keep parting with $$$$$$, why bother about little things like accuracy and truth?

  12. Ain't she one 5 star BITCH?

  13. I am actually in stitches watching this - she is so like Bennett, it isn't true.
    Look at the girly shrieks for help from her freaks because someone has dared to laugh at her - it's beyond funny.
    And they are all queuing up to tell her how wonderful she is and part with cash.
    There's one born every minute - usually on a ptichforker site.

  14. She's what, screaming for help?
    Listen Pat B, did you deserve the bad revue?
    I believe you did so, shut up whining and suck it up. I am quite sure there is more to come.
    You, wimpy victim you!

  15. It wasn't even a bad review, it was a funny review, by either V or Deuce, I think.
    It's got the poor ickle wickle profiler in floods of tears, though, at the thought of a single dollar escaping her clutches, LOL.

  16. Dear me!

    Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
    Thank you, Le Wrafter, Justice4Maddie for posting the review above Hotrod! This should at least warn people that the review is a clever fake! I appreciate your quick response! Bless you!


    Fire at will! If Ms Brown chooses to suck up to fans of Myra Hindley, well, she needn't bother whining, need she?

  17. AW bless is it upsetting her that much?

    Here Brown, suck it and see

    Ignore the official files!, 18 Jun 2011
    This review is from: Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann (UPDATED) (Criminal Profiler Pat Brown Profiles) (Kindle Edition)
    Gripping. This book brilliantly explains how the McCanns cruelly disposed of their toddler following an overdose of Calpol sedative tablets, (That's something I never knew existed before!) and how they cleverly managed to move her body several times before calmly taking it back to England in their luggage. Pat brown's intriguing theory does require that you disregard most of the witness statements which were taken by the police, but she successfully convinces you to do this on the basis of her observations of the McCanns post-disappearance behaviour (such as jogging, wearing earrings, managing to sleep at night). I am definitely a new fan of Pat Brown. Please ignore any criticism you may read about her lack of qualifications or experience in working with real cases. Her's is a name I hope to hear more of in future!

  18. Here's the 'criminal profiler' thanking the Myra Hindley fan for protecting her, bless!

    I am sure you can make good use of that, Tony.
    For instance, how would something like that go down in the states - the celebrity 'profiler' sucking up to a fan of a serial killer who helped her lover torture children to death?

  19. Welcome to
    The Pat Brown Criminal Profiling Agency

    Welcome to The Pat Brown Criminal Profiling Agency! If you need critical advice from a criminal profiler concerning a loved one's death (equivocal death and crime scene analysis), workplace violence (threat assessment), or personal and relationship issues (including stalking and domestic abuse), you will find the services here affordable and cost effective. If you want to learn more about profiling crimes and how to keep yourself and your family safe from pedophiles, serial killers, stalkers and dangerous predators, there is a lot of instructive information for free on this web site if you will take the time to browse and read.

    Are you a homicide investigator? You can get pro bono criminal profiling assistance with your casework through my non-profit agency, The Sexual Homicide Exchange.

    ???(including stalking and domestic abuse), you will find the services here affordable and cost effective.

    No wonder her names Brown, she's full of shite.

  20. Nancy Grace, doesn't think much of Brown by this video lol.

  21. Anyone know where Pat Brown got her credentials from? Just wondered cos there are loads of internet/long distance learning courses available online. With one of the courses you even get a free mouse mat lol.

  22. Anon

  23. Nice soft-focus pic she uses as an avatar...not quite like the other pics..

  24. New Post On The Old Blog. :)

  25. Oh, so there is, Tony!

    HOHUM. Any Thing For A $

    I decided that, in the interests of accuracy, it was only fair to add a recent pic of Ms Brown to the OP....

  26. She is still whining because she was laughed at:

    Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
    He tries to quickly give main points so that one thinks, oh, I know what she says, and he slips in misinformation that is not true about what I determine in the profile and knocks my education, experience, and credibility. A good review above Hotrod mentioning his deception would be fabulous! (wish I could nail him, but I can't!). Got to admire, though, this smart move of the part of the pro-McCanns! Pretty sneaky!



    Two words.


  27. Three Words; Fort Hood Massacre.

  28. Just been reading that, Tony - pretty lousy profiler, isn't she?
    And I must find that material about her denying post natal depression existed...
    She really is just another fraud, isn't she?
    Tell the sheeples what they want to hear, and Oh! How the money comes in!

  29. Aged 87 years raped by young

    He grabbed her neighbor of 87 years, when that was cutting potatoes in the kitchen of his home in Mira, tore her clothes and, at gunpoint, forced her to have sex.Consummated rape, young, 28, fled the scene.On Monday, more than four months after the crime, was arrested by the Judicial Police of Vila Real.The young farmer was brought to court yesterday and was awaiting trial on remand.

    Authorities the rapist confessed to the crime and claimed he could not control himself."I saw to cut the potatoes in the kitchen and do not know what got into me, I could not resist," said the young man.

    The crime occurred on the afternoon of January 30.The victim was at home when she was startled by a neighbor.Frightened, he tried to resist at all costs, but he threatened her that if she were not killed it dead, and his son, who has a profound disability.Continuous act, the perpetrator assaulted the elderly woman and forced her to have sex.

    The attacker eventually fled the scene, the victim filed a complaint with the police.The elderly woman was subjected to several tests doctors confirmed rape.The young farmer was eventually arrested yesterday by PJ at home, having offered no resistance.

  30. Do you know, many of her fellow profilers were unaware she had written a book on Madeleine?

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Now why does that not surprise anyone here, Tony?

    She is ignorant about the Madeleine case and wants to make big bucks by taking a controversial stance. Accuracy and facts not necessary, and in this instance that would be a hamper to her money making scheme.

    If I were a proper criminal profiler I would be worried about her giving my profession a bad name.

  33. tony said...
    Do you know, many of her fellow profilers were unaware she had written a book on Madeleine?
    18 June 2011 20:55


    But she isn't a real profiler, is she, Tony? A little digging, and it is clear she is an embarrassment to professional, trained, profiles.

    Thanks for that, Maggs - I am going to give it a new thread, it's too important to get lost.


    I am going to be so glad when we relaunch

    I will sort through everything so material does not get lost.

  34. I tried to tidy up the link to Amoral's latest woes, Maggs, but it went funny, and I had to delete it, so the whole thing, complete with piccie of Gonc being referred to as 'the damned'
    is here:

  35. A reminder of the Hindley fans' favorite profiler.

    What kind of mother would even dream of saying to their young daughter, when they finally staggered home, bloody, terrified, scared, needing Mum to help her, after having been beaten up

    Victoria may have suffered a good deal of fear and pain during this slap down but, if she were my kid, the first thing I would have asked her is "Did you deserve it?" And if she did, I would have told her I hope she learned her lesson.


    Ms Brown is a cnut of the first order.

    I wouldn't be in the least surprised if one of her children turned up on Court TV having blown Mommy Dearest's head off.
    And was let off with justifiable homicide, if not given a medal for doing a public service.

    Mac the Profiler.

  36. You should write a book Mac the Profiler and have a facebook page.

    (Applause from the gallery)

  37. Well, only if you are going to give me loads and loads of money, Lily, and rush to protect me if Evil Pros like V and Deuce laugh at me.

    I mean, FFS, no one could even be bothered 'debating' with her, they just laughed at her.

    And she still burst into tears.


  38. I have just found this:

    That girl was attacked by six other girls and two


    And Profiler Pat thinks she deserved it.

    Just another bottomfeeder.

  39. Sheesh, Pat the Profiler likes to dish it but she sure as heck can't take it.

    That's horrible. The girl received a concussion and couldn't hear out of her left ear afterwards? I guess that's okay then?

    She should try to place herself into others' shoes. She lacks empathy does that woman. I bet she would change her tune if ever she was the victim of a beating or similar when out somewhere.

  40. I didn't know much about her, Lily, I thought she was just the usual Talking Head.
    I have to say, I am appalled and disgusted at what I have seen - in her own words, too.
    She actually thinks it is OK for six girls and two so-called 'men' to beat up a terrified girl and film it.
    And tops that with blaming the victim.
    No wonder the pond life think she is wonderful.

  41. I didn't know about her either to be honest. She's just a BS artist is all because she is not doing it from experience. I bet the FBI or regular police wouldn't use her.

    Oh, that's what she shares with the pond life, Bonny. She blames the victims just like her fan base does. Like will attract like.

  42. I heard of her via a friend who is following the West Memphis case, and he sent me a website address to see wghat she said about these teenagers. I despise these TV pundits who trick the gullible to follow them; she is no better than the likes of Jim Jones or Manson, in my eyes.

  43. I didn't know that much about her, LL, beyond she was another talking head. I confess, what I have read shocks me - she is NOT a profiler, she is just a pitchforker who has got on TV.
    She is a truly dreadful woman; she also appears to be a lousy profiler, and most certainly is not respected in the States.
    Just another fraud leeching off Madeleine McCann to feed her enormous ego.

  44. I have just seen that pic of here on the thread, my goodness, she has the same mad stare as the one of bentit on the other thread - are they in any way related? LOL


    Shocking woman

  46. Not very liked is she
