Friday 17 June 2011


Guten Habend, Believers!
I, Bennetto the Invincible, am here to reassure you that all is well at Hounder HQ.
My loyal band have dealt with the turncoats who attempted to overthrow me - me! The very person who has brought us to this point!
The Brownshirt turncoats said I was mad. Mad - me! Clearly, they are in awe of my genius - haven't all the great leaders, even Emperors like Nero and Caligula, been called mad?
The turncoats were jealous of my greatness and my place in history, but, my Believers, they have been dealt with! The next of vipers has been unmasked!
They soon talked when I made them listen to my Eleventy Nine Demands for twenty-four hours, I can tell you!
And they won't forget being pelted with fridge magnets bearing my image, either!
A special thanks here to Agent Chucky, my Mole. Her sterling efforts in grassing up  the other Brownshirts, especially those foreign ones like Claudius, should not go unnoticed, so henceforth she shall be known as Gauleiter Chucky, with special responsibilities for being a sneak.

I must now return to the HounderBunker; Gruppenfurher SWALK has, sad to report, found more smut, and wishes me to view it so I can tell you all how horrible it is.

Today's chants:

Law bad! Pitchforking good!
 Hounderrule will last a thousand years!


  1. Zieg Heil Bennetto! Ve vill obey to ze end. Ve vill fight viz ze Beachy's und ze oder Brunshirten. Ve vill conquer ze vorld.

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahaha....Hehehehehehehee

  3. Bis dein Bennett Sie freak.

    Erhalten Sie einige Deo für morgen, die Sie wirklich tun stinken.

    Wir sehen uns auf der Konferenz Glatzkopf. Hope das Mittagessen ist besser als das letzte aber

    Hope swalk da ist, wird DHSS Ermittler zu sein und ein paar journo ist.

    Bahntickets bereit, überprüfen
    Kamera bereit, zu prüfen.
    Trolley bereit, zu prüfen.

    Dictaphone bereit, zu prüfen. Vergewissern Sie sich, sprechen, seine in meiner Hosentasche.

    Shit, um Fan von 14.30 Uhr getroffen.

  4. Mach schnell, maggs.

    Nicht zu spät für die Konferenz

    Sieg Heil Bennetto!

  5. lol Lily,

    Only a few miles from me, so be there early.

    May stay till Sunday as thats when the fun starts.

  6. I detest Bennett as much as the next sane person

    But if you guys want to tackle Victorian dad

    Private Eye style-you better get the details right

    it's Gruppenführer and it's Guten Abend

    and from pedant's corner it's

    Guten Abend too

  7. Ah, but is that one pedant in the corner or two? LOL.

  8. pedants rarely move in pairs Mac

    Imagine the scene-two pedants approaching traffic lights on the North Circular

    pedant A: 'that's not quite has the hue of terracotta-better stop pal'

    pedant B: 'it's green-verdant, positively County Kerry in late April-I tell ya-I shall press on


    No they are solitary creatures..them pedants

    evolution kinda made them so

  9. Very true; and whilst they were debating the precise colour of the light, they would be flattened by a bus.

  10. I just saw your blog, Tony - does Bennett have a death wish?

    That simply is not true; what on earth is wrong with them?

  11. T'is is a fact

    a wise old boss of mine once asked this question:

    you have to make a serious business decision-the clock is ticking-on what percentage of certainty are you willing to make that decision ?

    50% of the available information, 75% or 100% ?

    the stuffed shirts all jumped up--'100% only'

    SIR !!

    that of course was a fail an epic one even on the Richter scale of fails

    make that decision on 50-75% as the clock is ticking-let gut-instinct fill in the blanks

    else you never progress

    and procrastination has a shop lifting problem

  12. Mac, he doesn't give a damn anymore.
    He revels in the notoriety. The more litigation the better. He appears to believe he is invincible. He's in for a shock me thinks

  13. scorched earth for Bennett

    the Rothley leaflet drop

    folks-whatever side of the pro/anti fence

    could not stomach that

    that was nasty-so nasty and malicious

    and there ain't no butter in hell

    Bennett's gonna fry - and that's a dead cert

  14. I am trying to get my head around the sheer insanity of libelling Carter Ruck, Tony.
    That statement simply is not true.

  15. Mac, his problems with the legals just grows.
    If he starts libeling them, he is interfering with their reputation and Law firms don't take kindly to things like that.

  16. It makes you wonder if he knows what trouble he is in and so is going for broke.

    Oh, just thought. Tomorrow is Father's Day? What a lovely way to spend this weekend at a Konference. Older kids here take their fathers out.
