Tuesday 14 June 2011

Dear Me, Bennett.....

So, Bennett is boasting is he?

Bit of a problem, Bennett - I have as little idea as the members what the problem is, because it never was my site. The hosts haven't once contacted me.
And MsMarbles has had health problems recently, so has not been online. Oh, didn't you know - proboards wanted her to reply within 48 hours to whatever your whinge was.
She couldn't, due to not being available due to health issues.
 So whatever your pretendy complaint was, no-one will  ever know. 
When MsMarbles returns, however, I suspect she is going to be extremely upset at what you have done. As are our members, and I am currently in the process of informing the media of your latest actions. Oh, and one or two friends in the legal profession, too.
Also- the hosts have been told, and given proof, that the complaint was made by a serial stalker currently facing legal and criminal charges of harrassment. THAT'S YOU, BENNETT.
All you have actually acheived is to make a lot of people a little bit more annoyed than they were with you to begin with, and given me more time to, well, you will find out.
You should have remembered the wise old saying.



  1. I'm sure that whatever the problem is, it will be at odds with what Bennett is stating. Facts were never his strong suit. If they were, he would not have had to give an undertaking to the High Court etc.

  2. Of course Bennett is lying, Lily, it's what he does.
    That was obvious when he stated that 'I' had been told to remove 'thousands' of posts.
    Why would I be? It's not my site - nor yours.
    I am extremely upset and angry for the members, and for MsMarbles, who still does not know what that sick old man has done.

  3. As you have correctly said, MsM's health is the most important thing here. That IS the worrying issue. I do hope that you hear from her soon.

    So yes, you have not been told to remove thousands of posts. Why would you be? We know how Bennett twists things as if it's always in his favor.

    Let's face it, he needs lots and lots of distractions at the moment. (big grin here).
