Thursday 16 June 2011


I expect they are; horrid old men like those two set off all sorts of alarm bells, don't they?
Especially as Bennett always claims he is 'researching' sex sites. A bit like SWALK saying she is 'reviewing' banned torture porn.
We've all heard pervs making excuses like that in the dock, haven't we - much good that it did them.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if material like that didn't fetch up in, say, the Sun, as soon as they have an excuse to use it.
Bennett's court dates would be a perfect excuse for the tabloids to use all the material they have been sitting on about Bennett and the other nutjob haters.
Tick tock!


  1. Indeed, that is what they all say. And as kindly pointed out by Drachen, women do this sort of thing as well.

    I think someone should have a look at Bennett's hard drive. Or is he down the bottom of his garden beating it to pulp?

    Beware of what you wish for, say I.

  2. They've had huge success with online monitoring.

    Bennett has pushed himself out there and was one of the many that sneered at CEOP and Jim Gamble in particular.

    You bet they are monitoring him and his ilk.

  3. Hopefully they are watching TB as he never seems to learn and treat people decently and not hound them mainly every day by that I mean at this time The McCanns in the past he has hounded others which is tragic. He should get on with his own life and not interfere in others its not his business.
