Saturday 23 July 2011

The Return Of Paedomod

Nothing much to say, really, beyond...


Oh, nearly forgot - why has Bennett's home roost let Madgali back in, to post actionable lies?

And why hasn't Bennett surfaced to condemn outright the alleged Norwegian killer?

After all, the alleged killer appears to be a Christian fundamentalist who hates Muslims...or is that a bit too close to home for Bennett?


  1. Lovely display on MM, by the way, with posters unthinkably DEFENDING the alleged killer in Norway.

    And hey, the Holocaust is quite OK with them too- after all, Hitler was provoked, wasn't he?

    used the Jews as his reason because they had the Pawn Shops Diamonds and fed on the poverty of

    I keep thinking they have scraped through the bottom of the barrel - and then they go even lower.

  2. And any chance of an explanation as to why MM think this is acceptable?


    2) she was (accidentally) killed on a previous holiday in PdL. Body refrigerated and disposed of on next holiday when a scenario was devised.
    This gives plenty of time for Fund and support, explains the curious absence of M in photographs and the fact that the creche attendants thought she was shy.


    Oh, don't bother answering, you are probably all too busy discussing why it is perfectly acceptable for Aryan neo-nazis to machine gun teenage girls.

  3. They really are evil aren't they? I don't understand their mindset, to be truthful. They also seem to have no knowledge of history, of the age-old animosity between Christians and Jews. As for the scenarios that crop up time and time again on there re Madeleine rehashing tired old theories that have long since been proven as idiotic, what do they actually get from all this?

  4. Hey, Mac, do you really expect bennett and bhis motley crew of misfits and nasties to condemn anything that a good upstanding ultra right-wing Christian boy does? I mean, people who admire Hindley and other unsavoury characters aren't going to censor someone like this bomber/shooter, now are they?

  5. JOJo, what they get is a vicariousn thrill, and a vain hope that their ridiculous scenario just might be the right one. I mean we've had a dead body carried through customs/hidden in yew trees/dropped down volcanoes, parents selling their child for money etc, no neck, no child, clones, makeup, you name it, some far-fetched idea been trotted out again and again, ad nauseum, discussed, embellished on and turned into a forum myth. And everyone is IN IT, the present, and last, government, the Pope, the police, the masons, Illuminati, the Queen, the Royal Yacht, the newspapers, Murdock, Richard Branson, in fact if you aren't IN IT, you really aren't worth much.

  6. Their sheer evil has been on display for all to see over the past couple of days, hasn't it?

    How on earth anyone thinks it is acceptable to have a poll about a missing child escapes me, but what else can you expect from the likes of them?

  7. Can I be IN IT? I'm feeling a bit left out of IT.

    Oh, and by the way, why is Hideho still posting up YouTube Lies?
