Monday 25 July 2011

Pretendy 'Profiler' Told To STFU

What, me? I was only accusing innocent people of killing their child and making up sh*t about 'lichen' to earn a few $$$$.

Some of Ms Brown's whines of tonight:






Good! Pity more of the pretendy's victims haven't had the means to silence her vile tongue.
For instance, the family of the young girl the concrete ruminant thought was 'fair game' to be beaten up - and all the other victims of crime she has victimised all over again.


  1. I doubt it's true. It's being claimed it is a wordl-wide ban, and I don't actually know of any precedent for that, does anyone?

    It looks a bit like a Pat publicity stunt to me.

  2. Best news all day, I shall now go and get gloriously drunk.

  3. Oh, I just love it, what a great hoot! Maybe now she'll take herself back across the pond and leave this country alone. Go, CR, go!!

  4. What a great piece of news. Maybe now she'll take herself and her putrid profiling back across the pind. There must be aother people she can denigrate and try and destroy?

  5. Now, what was that again about there being a huge trade in illegal meat in the no-one would notice the decaying corpse of a small child in someone's luggage?

    Come on, Motormouth, explain!

  6. Anonymous said...
    I doubt it's true. It's being claimed it is a wordl-wide ban, and I don't actually know of any precedent for that, does anyone?

    It looks a bit like a Pat publicity stunt to me.


    I cannot find it anywhere on Amazon - anyone else have any (bad) luck?

  7. I saw a mistake, for pind read pond! I was just so excited my fingers slipped! Now her pile of sh!t will join brer's load of dogpoo in the remnainder bin - oh, forgot it's a kindle so it just gets trashed.

  8. I am personally delighted. I object to people selling lies.

    Pat Brown has made hundreds of pounds off her lies about the McCann case. I hope the McCanns now sue her for more than she has made.'s-ebook-%22Profile-of-the-Disappearance-of-Madeleine-McCann-(UPDATE

  9. All I know is I want my $2.99 back. I'm going to ask for it back 'cause I want to see her humiliated beyond belief. She truly is the laughing stock of the US. I'm glad someone in the legal field got involved. You cannot outright lie about people and then hide behind free speech. Free speech doesn't work that way.

    And as she said she was calling the FBI on me for stealing her book when I paid my hard earned money for that piece of crap, I seriously doubt it's a world-wide ban (unless Amazon said that).

  10. Re: Pat Brown's book pulled from Amazon
    Fudge Today at 8:31 pm

    Quadrille has had his account closed at Amazon.

    Who, is protecting the McCanns?

    Better question - who is protecting the TOTAL FRAUD that calls itself





  11. POOR's getting where everything she touches turns to shoite--like a certain ex-solicitor turned stalker we know. toosers!

  12. Someone else has got shafted:

    Posted on 25 Jul 2011 21:02:20 BDT
    Halcyon says:
    Looks like Team McCann have had a busy day chatting to Amazon.

    I am led to understand that all McCann related posts on Amazon made by David Bret have also been removed at their request.

    How long will our discussion survive this latest attempt to stifle free speech?

    Oh, bliss, oh joy, what a day this has been. I
    will go and breach a bottle of best wine and treat myself to a couple of profiteroles.

  13. People Who Bought Brown's Kindel; Now Receiving Refunds.

  14. someone isn't happy...

    silkcut says:
    you celebrate if you want, lets see your mug when the mccanns coward out of their so called libel trial which they won't touch with a bargepole now LOL

    mccanns have a reputation now as cowards and bullies, they should get their priorities straight doncha think? and actually spend some money and time hiring competent people to look for their missing child and not wasting it all to cover their backsides instead


    Drunk as usual, no doubt.

  15. more from halfcut:

    silkcut says:
    i see the monkeys are still afoot here, bid you goodnight, bad luck to the mccanns in their trying to hold back the damn which will burst on their web of deceit and they get all they deserve, after all they created it all. to the believers carry on praying for a dead child if you can stop that is to realise how ridiculous you have become with your arguments, poor madeleine mccann, IN MY OPINION!!!


    Why does that creature start gibbering about monkeys and prossies whenever someone answers her back?
    Oh wait, I know - she is drunk every night without fail.

  16. Tallulah says:

    The mystery ex-News of the World journo
    predicts "big news" from Rothsey very soon


    Oh? Whatever could be about to happen on a small Scottish island?

  17. How funny! They are all bleating about their 'Free Speach' [sic].
    Wasn't that when they were all high-fiving Tallulah when he - lying as usual - claimed he was responsible for shutting Madeleine's FB, was it?

    Free speech works both ways, something the pitchforkers and haters really should remember...

  18. ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    If you got an email from Amazon stating my #McCann book was removed due to copyright infringement, pls forward a copy.


    Why does she think anyone except her fellow-pitchforkers care?
    Amazon is a commercial operation, and she and the other pretendy, Tallulah, are more trouble than they are worth.

  19. Definitely drunk...what a way with words Windowlene has!

    silkcut says:
    you only deserve 2 fingers and yes you are a moron - fact
    dont forget your tenna pads and the viagra for the husband that can't stand your face even to put a paper bag over it lol
    dont lke it moron? dont dish it out simples x and steer clear of the rancid blogs you frequent, cheers chuck

  20. I understand the pretendy biddy is now saying she'll get her incredible load of sh!t published elsewhere - like where exactly? Word travels fast regarding items that are not good for your health, whether on Amazon or via any publisher or bookseller. And a letter from Carter Ruck? I have been told that it is very silly to ignore it. Dream on, pretendy, dream on.

  21. Just had word from a reliable sourse that pretendy is offering her 'book' on the German Amazon site at the price of €0.99 which, she 'claims', will be used to set up a fund to find Madeleine; I trust she will be providing full accounts of where the money had gone to. I expect the usual fools will flock to give her the cash - there's one born every minute, isn't there? Can I see someone looking over her shoulder, with certain legal papers at the ready?

  22. Re the post above, here's what you get now for that link to Amazon,de:

    Sie suchen nach etwas Bestimmtem?
    Tut uns Leid: Die Web-Adresse, die Sie eingegeben haben, gibt es auf unserer Website nicht.

    Zur Homepage

    (Looking for something in particular?
    Sorry: The web address you've entered is not available on our website.

    To homepage)

    Oh, this is priceless. I wonder where she will try now? Answers on a bog roll.

  23. Nice fans Pretendy has on her FB...


    Tony Quinlan
    Books won't stay banned, They won't burn, ideas don't go to jail...In the long run of history the censor and the inquisitor have always lost


    TonyQ to Tripz:

    Subject: Palestine Unarmed Girl Stands Up Against israeli Army

    You are totally wasting your time posting anything that is NOT pro-Israeli on the forum. That cun.t Marky1 is a fine example of what reading the jew owned press can do to your head. There are thousands more like that piece of shit too sadly.
    Tony_Q to NannaDebbie

    Absolutely pathetic decision. You have become exactly the same as the press with the McScums!!.....Say what you're told and do not show Americans in a bad light!!......They ARE an awful race of people and their hideous creeping culture will eventually destroy society both there and here...the evidence is all around you.
    You have already driven off a lot of valuable members with your ridiculous stance on many matters and I am now joining them.
    Good luck with the valuable contributions of a bunch of giggling Yank birds talking complete bollocks and immature imbeciles like Ferretwhatsit and Marky calling people names non-stop.
    The forum will be dead inside 3 months.

    How quickly they forget!

  24. The latest -

    "ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    Top national US radio show booking me now to discuss the Carter-Rucking of my book, from Amazon!"

    Really? Pull the other one, it's got bells on. There are over 13,000 radio stations in the USA, most of which are out in the middle of nowhere. No radio station in the big cities will be interested; at present Medicare, the debt ceiling and other important matters are far more immediate than some middle-aged harpy with a chip on her shoulder and face only a mother could love whining because her plan to make cash from a missing child has backfired and nobody takes her seriously. Such a silly vacuous booby.

  25. She is now advertising the 'book' on Barnes & Noble's online bookshop:
    ProfilerPAT BROWN
    Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann NOW ON SALE at the online Barnes and Noble store! #McCann

    I don't believe this!

  26. Her latest rant: "Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann Que is right, Liz! All the abuse is only publicizing the issue more and showing desperation on the part of the pro-McCanners. I have websites dedicated to attacking me but they just look rather foolish with their photos of me...barred mouth, etc. Actually, I am printing them out and making wallpaper out of them"

    So, she doesn't like being ridiculed, which is what it is! Then, madam, stop behaving like an idiot, stop listening to the voices, step back and walk away. Simple advice.

  27. Another tweet: ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN

    "50% of all sales on my Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann will go to the Madeleine Search Fund - Praia da Luz, Huelva, Rothley"

    So, she is going to meddle in an investigation the police already had in hand? She is going to target Rothley - where the McCanns live? Praia de Luz - where Madeleine was abducted? Huelva? She is stark raving mad and, as I said before, would do well to bow out now before things go very badly for her, stalking (ie Rothley) being frowned upon in the UK as others have found out to their cost. And those egging her on? Well, let them pay her their €2.99, and then when it all falls apart, berate themselves for being so stupid.

  28. Being offred on yet another online site:

    "ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    My Amazon BANNED book,The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann now on sale on SmashWords! #McCann"

    No comment as it has already been said.

  29. What on earth is she going to Huelva for? To visit the giant industrial plant that none of them seem to know about?
    She is making a total fool of herself.

  30. Hi Mac, I assume it's to search for the grave that is supposed to be there. You know, the one they put the body in, or maybe the one they moved it to - how many times did they bury the child? I want to see the reception she would get if she turned up in Rothley; I am happily envisaging 'Wanted' posters with her ugly mug on them in the local cop shop, the pub, church, off-licence, papershop, supermarket?

  31. Woe, woe and thrice woe!

    nuttynora22 fattungedgutterbitch
    #McCann.. Barnes&Noble emailed me saying book only available to customers 'physically located' in the USA #bullshit

  32. I saw that, Mac. So it is unavailable to anyone outside the USA? Or is it in fact banned, full stop? Ah poor pretendy, not really having much luck, is she? And I hear others are on her case too.

  33. She'll always have her twitterfriends won't she?
    Like the depraved failed drag queen:

    Nice people Brown hangs around with. NOT

  34. Still no sign of an explanation yet from the pitchforker known as

    DANI/QUADRILLE/IRONSIDE/STEEL MAGNOLIA...and all the other names

    why she is carrying on with such a sick pretence?

  35. "ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
    Top national US radio show booking me now to discuss the Carter-Rucking of my book, from Amazon!"

    TOP US NATIONAL RADIO SHOW? Losing your touch, pretendy? is this the BEST you can do, an online US blog (or should that read bog) radio show?
