think she has the right to torment the family of a missing child? She isn't content with keeping her malice in the States, she is trying to export it to the UK now, and throwing hissy fits because she isn't getting her own way.
Sadly, it hasn't dawned on the 'profiler' that UK law protects innocent people from the likes of her - or maybe she just doesn't care? Who knows? Whatever the reason, Brown has made it her business to try to heap more misery on the McCanns - she is even threatening to go to their home in Rothley to 'search'
Who does she think she is - Debs? Bennett? She is certainly a fan of the Hounders as she quotes Stevo as her first reference in her ridiculous 'profile'. Brown makes it clear throughout her error filled 'profile' that she hasn't bothered to read the official police files, otherwise she would not have regurgitated so many discredited forum myths. She also makes it clear she has contempt for the laws of Portugal as she completely ignores this, from the Portuguese Attorney General:
b) The archiving of the Process concerning Arguidos Gerald Patrick McCann and Kate Marie Healy, because there are no indications of the practise of any crime under the dispositions of article 277 number 1 of the Penal Process Code.
So, maybe we should ask ourselves why she wants to be the pin-up girl for a mob of screeching pitchforkers. Why does she want to associate with fans of Myra Hindley, for example?
Or the likes of this - what the thing that calls itself Fat Salz twittered is too disgusting to post in public:
Or perhaps this necrophilic perversion is more to Ms Brown's taste:
I expect Ms Brown is quite at home with these people; after all, she seems to think the McCanns are keeping Madeleine in a jar on their mantlepiece:
- Lisa Beardmore She isnt buried in portugal, shes cremated an sits in an urn on a shelf in their house in rothley an nxt to it is a pic and a name train madeleine!! C'mon guys thort u were up on this case. There is no body, hence gerry "find the body an prove we killdher"15 hours ago
Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann I tend to agree that the possibility that Madeleine's are in Rothley is quite high.
So, what is all this telling us about Ms Brown? It suggests that, having been rejected by the REAL profilers she so aspires to be like, she will take any praise, from anyone, from the lowest pondlife on the internet, from the worst, sickest, bottom-feeders, it doesn't matter, as long as the Brown ego is massaged.
Her anger management issues are clear; she uses violent imagery to express whatever it is she is annoyed about - and she is angry an awful lot of the time.
ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN
If I thought it was a good morning, 7-11 employee a-hole, I would have said it was.
Charming - you won't see a REAL profiler like Dayle Hinman carrying on like that!
Not a pretty picture we are getting, is it? A not-very-bright, embittered woman who has latched onto high-profile crimes in the States - and been well and truly rumbled there. She is infamous for not once getting anything right - the best one was when she insisted the two Black men responsible for the Washington shootings was one White man.
Real, qualified profilers regard her as an embarrassment - they joke that the reason she offers to work pro bono is that no-one would give her one red cent for her 'work'.
Increasingly marginalised in the US, she would appear to be trying to gain a foothold in the UK - totally ignoring, or ignorant of, UK law.
And she is doing all this at the expense of a missing British child. Because people who can actually read, and understand evidence, files DNA, all the things Ms Brown finds so boring - New Scotland Yard, for example - know there is no evidence at all, let alone proof, that Madeleine McCann is dead. Yet Ms Brown and her fans want Madeleine to be dead - we all saw that, when they were enraged at the very suggestion she might have been spotted in India. Their hatred of the child was laid bare for all to see.
Normal, decent people are repulsed by Ms Brown's 'theories' involving the McCanns somehow smuggling Madeleine's months-old body home on EasyJet, in the guise of bushmeat, to later store her on their mantlepiece.
Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it - but that is what the 'profiler' is suggesting. And then she wonders why she is a laughing stock in the States....
But there is hope for even a soul as lost as Ms Brown's would appear to be....she took a big step towards facing the truth when she announced this:
How nice that Washington DC is concerned for my alcoholic tendencies; they refused to sell me a bottle of wine at Whole Foods before 9 am.
-________________________________________________Well done that employee! I am sure we will all want to congratulate Ms Brown on taking her first step to physical and mental health by confessing her 'issue'.
Let us hope that, in days to come, she looks back in horror to the days when she victimized crime victims all over again, and tried to bolster her flagging career at the expense of a missing British child and her family.
Looks like the Almighty is angry with Brown too:
Being silenced by a thunderbolt really ought to tell her something....