Sunday, 31 July 2011


We've all read about the frauds and fakes who attach themselves to high-profile cases; we've also wondered why they do it, why they take pleasure in tormenting victims of crime. For instance, why does this woman:

think she has the right to torment the family of a missing child? She isn't content with keeping her malice in the States, she is trying to export it to the UK now, and throwing hissy fits because she isn't getting her own way.

Sadly, it hasn't dawned on the 'profiler' that UK law protects innocent people from the likes of her - or maybe she just doesn't care? Who knows? Whatever the reason, Brown has made it her business to try to heap more misery on the McCanns - she is even threatening to go to their home in Rothley to 'search'

‎50% of all sales on my Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann will go to the Madeleine Search Fund - Praia da Luz, Huelva, Rothley

Who does she think she is - Debs? Bennett? She is certainly a fan of the Hounders as she quotes Stevo as her first reference in her ridiculous 'profile'. Brown makes it clear throughout  her error filled 'profile'  that she hasn't bothered to read the official police files, otherwise she would not have regurgitated so many discredited forum myths. She also makes it clear she has contempt for the laws of Portugal as she completely ignores this, from the Portuguese Attorney General:

b) The archiving of the Process concerning Arguidos Gerald Patrick McCann and Kate Marie Healy, because there are no indications of the practise of any crime under the dispositions of article 277 number 1 of the Penal Process Code.

So, maybe we should ask ourselves why she wants to be the pin-up girl for a mob of screeching pitchforkers. Why does she want to associate with fans of Myra Hindley, for example?

Or the likes of this - what the thing that calls itself Fat Salz twittered is too disgusting to post in public:

Or perhaps this necrophilic perversion is more to Ms Brown's taste:

I expect Ms Brown is quite at home with these people; after all, she seems to think the McCanns are keeping Madeleine in a jar on their mantlepiece:

  • Lisa Beardmore She isnt buried in portugal, shes cremated an sits in an urn on a shelf in their house in rothley an nxt to it is a pic and a name train madeleine!! C'mon guys thort u were up on this case. There is no body, hence gerry "find the body an prove we killdher"
    15 hours ago

  • Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann I tend to agree that the possibility that Madeleine's are in Rothley is quite high.

    So, what is all this telling us about Ms Brown? It suggests that, having been rejected by the REAL profilers she so aspires to be like, she will take any praise, from anyone, from the lowest pondlife on the internet, from the worst, sickest, bottom-feeders, it doesn't matter, as long as the Brown ego is massaged.
    Her anger management issues are clear; she uses violent imagery to express whatever it is she is annoyed about - and she is angry an awful lot of the time. 

    ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN 
    If I thought it was a good morning, 7-11 employee a-hole, I would have said it was.

    Charming - you won't see a REAL profiler like Dayle Hinman carrying on like that!
    Not a pretty picture we are getting, is it? A not-very-bright, embittered woman who has latched onto high-profile crimes in the States - and been well and truly rumbled there. She is infamous for not once getting anything right - the best one was when she insisted the two Black men responsible for the Washington shootings was one White man.
    Real, qualified profilers regard her as an embarrassment - they joke that the reason she offers to work pro bono is that no-one would give her one red cent for her 'work'.

    Increasingly marginalised in the US, she would appear to be trying to gain a foothold in the UK - totally ignoring, or ignorant of, UK law. 

    And she is doing all this at the expense of a missing British child. Because people who can actually read, and understand evidence, files  DNA, all the things Ms Brown finds so boring  - New Scotland Yard, for example - know there is no evidence at all, let alone proof, that Madeleine McCann is dead.  Yet Ms Brown and her fans want Madeleine to be dead - we all saw that, when they were enraged at the very suggestion she might have been spotted in India. Their hatred of the child was laid bare for all to see.
    Normal, decent people are repulsed by Ms Brown's 'theories' involving the McCanns somehow smuggling Madeleine's months-old body home on EasyJet, in the guise of bushmeat, to later store her on their mantlepiece.
    Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it - but that is what the 'profiler' is suggesting. And then she wonders why she is a laughing stock in the States....

    But there is hope for even a soul as lost as Ms Brown's would appear to be....she took a big step towards facing the truth when she announced this:

    How nice that Washington DC is concerned for my alcoholic tendencies; they refused to sell me a bottle of wine at Whole Foods before 9 am.
    30 Jul via web


    Well done that employee! I am sure we will all want to congratulate Ms Brown on taking her first step to physical and mental health by confessing her 'issue'.

    Let us hope that, in days to come, she looks back in horror to the days when she victimized crime victims all over again, and tried to bolster her flagging career at the expense of a missing British child and her family.


    Looks like the Almighty is angry with Brown too:

    Being silenced by a thunderbolt really ought to tell her something....

Saturday, 30 July 2011


Brian Kennedy’s actions following 
the disappearance of Madeleine McCann

PART 1:  Executive Summary, 
Timeline, Contents and Introduction

A short biography of Brian Kennedy followed by analysis of his involvement in searching for the truth about Madeleine McCann
by Seamus McGuigan

A funny thing happened to Bennett when he was hiding in the Kennedy family's shrubbery to stalk them.....he fell under the spell of an Evil Leprechaun!!!!

Well, there is no other explanation for him now demanding info about Brian Kennedy, and calling himself Seamus, is there?

Unless he has joined the Real-Hounders or something?

The latest offence against sanity is to be found on the Foundation site, or Korean Javascript Central, as it is also known.

If it seems sluggish, that is probably because a vast army of libel lawyers are screenshotting the whole ghastly thing.

PS - Bennett does know that the Evil Leprechaun has not only made him Irish, he is also now a Catholic? You know, the Catholics that Bennett thinks are the Spawn of Satan?

Oh, what a relief, here comes Laffin to the rescue...

Monday, 25 July 2011

Pretendy 'Profiler' Told To STFU

What, me? I was only accusing innocent people of killing their child and making up sh*t about 'lichen' to earn a few $$$$.

Some of Ms Brown's whines of tonight:






Good! Pity more of the pretendy's victims haven't had the means to silence her vile tongue.
For instance, the family of the young girl the concrete ruminant thought was 'fair game' to be beaten up - and all the other victims of crime she has victimised all over again.

Sunday, 24 July 2011


Yes, Tallulah has been caught telling big fat porkies, and pretending subs on the Express speak to him.

Laughing Kate McCann: The Truth About A Daily Express Conspiracy And Wed Trolls

WHY has the Daily Express “removed” this image of Kate and Gerry McCann smiling from its website? Last week, Anorak bought you news of Kate and Gerry McCann in Holland. They were promoting Kate McCann’ book, Madeleine.
The Express shaped the story of the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann’s funds and awareness raising trip around their smiles.
The paper’s headline stated:
“At last Kate McCann can smile again”
The “Daily Express Reporter” reported:
“For once, grieving Kate McCann can find something to smile about. So often pictured as a sad, withdrawn figure, she and husband Gerry burst into laughter as they promoted her book about their lost daughter Madeleine.
That report is, at the time of writing, still intact.
So. Why was the photo “removed?” There is talk online of a conspiracy. One site says it knows the truth. It writes:
The photograph of happy Kate and Gerry was removed from the Express article – according to author David Bret “the sub-editor of the Express explained over the phone yesterday that no papers will print anything regarded as unfavourable regarding the McCanns, and that the couple’s “office” had complained that a picture of them laughing was unfavourable at it is a “misrepresentation” of how they feel, which was why they insisted it should be removed.

Anorak reached out to the Express and the “sub-editor” who worked on that story. Wewere told that the paper is not in thrall to the McCanns. In fact, the image has not been removed.  The “online reporter”, our source, says that a search for Kate McCann on the Express’s site still features the image.  It does.
The photo was published onlione at midnight on June 24. At some point during that afternoon, a video ad was placed over it.
So. No conspiracy. Just online trolls attacking the McCanns – and a need for the Express to make some cash…


'Twas ever thus. And now Tallulah has joined the ranks of the named and shamed trolls.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

The Return Of Paedomod

Nothing much to say, really, beyond...


Oh, nearly forgot - why has Bennett's home roost let Madgali back in, to post actionable lies?

And why hasn't Bennett surfaced to condemn outright the alleged Norwegian killer?

After all, the alleged killer appears to be a Christian fundamentalist who hates Muslims...or is that a bit too close to home for Bennett?

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


With all the predictability of the sun rising in the East, the Amazon Truthseekers - or nutjob pitchforkers, as they are better known - have started fighting with each other about, well, it seems to be because they don't all agree that Tallulah is just the bestest thing since sliced bread.

As predicted, the blood flowed out 'neath the door of their 'secret' forum, and 


There actually isn't much that needs to be said about this latest bloodletting, beyond, You couldn't make it up. The Watcher person did the pm-posting; I wonder if he is known to us by another name?

watcher says:
Wouldn't normally do this, but I am making an exception this once

I do not know what David Bret's agenda is, but, as I have previously explained, he made posts claiming that I was working for Amazon after I suggested that he and the person with whom he was having an argument might like to take it elsewhere. Prior to that I had no previous communication with him whatsoever. In an attempt to resolve whatever his problem was, I sent him the following message :


I have no idea why you made the allegation you did on Amazon, but I have to say I am very
disappointed you did. 

Had you actually taken the time to read the thread you might have realised how ridiculous your comments were. For the record, I have enjoyed your blog and linked to it several times.
I suggest you try to get a bit of perspective. Not everyone is out to get you. 

Kindly do not do that again ''

He carried on making ridiculous, accusatory posts. At some point he presumably read my private message. He responded with this message of his own

''I can only apologise. Two days ago the McCanns' spokesman told me I would be sued unless I closed the Blog. I invited them to go ahead. This will be an opportunity for me to apply for a reversal of the negative press gagging order--bad way of describing it, but basically no one is allowed to badmouth them in the press. They threatened me before about the Express photo, but I had nothing to do with that. Over the last two days I have received a lot of hate mail. You, having the name watcher, made me very suspicious--that's why I reacted the way I did, especially when you began talking about my credibility. Now we have *** *********, who has always been a pain in the backside, and CPN, asking me to share my report. I admit that I have not followed the whole thread, but some of the people on Amazon are almost as bad as those in the Loony Facebook page--say one thing that they don't agree with, and they bring the lack of credibility, you're childish, your books end up in the bargain bin into it.Then they pout when I hit back. It really is a waste of time posting there, and despite what anyone says it is being watched. Whenever anyone writes anything bad anout me on the Amazon book pages it takes them three or four days to take it down--on this forum stuff is removed within minutes. If you feel so strongly about this 
case, you should come out of the closet, so to speak, and join our group. Despite what some might say, we are a nice bunch--even I am nice there--and we have all the right people, including members of the police, some of which are my friends. ''
I responded as follows

''Thank you for your apology. Now that you know the true picture, I think it is only right that you should repeat the apology on the Amazon thread, to clear up the matter for the other posters. I know you have said you were wrong, but you also said that you did not withdraw other things, and retained suspicions. I trust that you posted that before you read my PM.
For the record, I am not interested in joining your group. Nor will I post on any forum which is specifically devoted to Madeleine issues, as it appears that some posters - pro and anti alike - are unable to behave in a rational fashion. 
Frankly, David, to decide that I was in some way suspicious because of my username - short for birdwatcher if you really must know - and to make allegations on that basis is pretty damned unfair. Even a brief glance back through my posts, or a passing familiarity with the thread, would have told you how nonsensical that was. Perhaps next time you might like to check that you are standing on rather firmer ground before you toss a metaphorical hand grenade into the discussion? Good luck with what you are trying to do. I hope it succeeds. ''

David's response to this was to make a serious of extremely offensive blog entries. Presumable he didn't like being asked to apologise on here, and not skulking away in private

I sent him this message

''I have just read your latest blog post.

What a pathetic non-entity you really are ''

To which I received the following reply

''Takes one to know one. If I'm a nonentity, ignore me. You started this, remember? And just in case you're thinking about it, don't involve anyone else in your vendetta. It's not one that you will win. ''

Frankly, I haven't a clue what has rattled his cage, or what he thinks it is that I started - perhaps he can enlighten us all?

I sent a final message

Oh do f*ck off. You are a complete arseh*le. ''

And that was the sum total of any communication I had with him. Contrary to his claims, I never emailed him, these were private messages sent on a page MrsD set up.

Normally, I would never reveal the content of private messages, but I will make an exception when being accused of something I have not done. As far as I am concerned, Mr Bret is someone with many ''issues'', who lies with complete impunity and who gets his dubious kicks from abusing people on the internet. I would suggest he attempts - even at this late stage - to acquire himself a life.

The usual pleasantries were exchanged, which led Badger (Hare?) to say:

MrsD did you read any of the blog posts by Mr Bret?

Given the vitriolic outbursts and insults he threw at many people including myself for no other reason than questioning his viewpoint he doesnt deserve any apologies from anyone.

I offered him the chance to allow a right of reply to his comments and he refused and deleted the blog page instead, basically the man is a coward, he runs to the internet and blathers away but in real life I suspect if he was to face up to the people he insults he would run a mile.

Its clear from what David posts on his blog that he likes to twist and manipulate, I would say that Watcher was extremely reserved in his/her comments, personally, I would have hunted the idiot down and shoved his big shiny forehead up his own nether regions!

Oooh, I say, Mabel!!!

And here comes Tallulah himself:

David Bret says:
You see, Badger, how you end your post. Then you plead shock when you don't get the response you are expecting. Extremely reserved is not how I would describe Watcher's message to me via Mrs D's private forum. And yes, we are on the same side, and I am proud to be called a hater. I single-handedly closed down the McCanns' comments page, and will only gloat when they are finally locked up, which most definitely will happen. And whenever I say such things, I get a swathe of the usual comments--my books are rubbish and end up in bargain bins, I am childish, a nonentity, etc. That's why I fight dirty, but only in reponse to anyone fighting dirty with me first. Neither do I twist and manipulate on my Blog: what you see on there comes from me infiltrating the McCanns' various sites, which will continue until they are brought to justice. They have threatened to sue me twice, so far, and I have begged them to go ahead--they won't, because they know that the likes of myself and Sean were right.

Only 'Sean' associated with hateland and pitchforking is one L. Assasin, with whom the police had words about the business of Clarrie's phone...
No, it couldn't be...

And so much for them and their 'Free Speach' - that works both ways, though the Little Hitlers seem to have forgotten it...

No, 'they' haven't threatened to sue Tallalah - he fell for a wind-up. He is of no more importance than L. Assasin.

And no, Tallulah the Troll didn't get anything 'shut down'. They'll find that out for themselves before too long.

Really, the final word has to go to Watcher, who summed it all up perfectly.

Oh do f*ck off. You are a complete arseh*le.