Sunday 9 October 2011


Heavens to Betsy! Whatever could have caused this treachery, Gentle Readers may be asking.

Well, it all started over this:

A man who has followers, that hang on and believe his every word. And followers that will wake up one day and realise they are tied to this man for good. Why? Because breaking free will result in them being his next target

Yes, that's Tallulah all right; and one or two of his erstwhile allies can expect to be on the receiving end of his obscenites after they lined up on Twitter to agree with Bren...

Lezs1967 Lesley Greenaway
Brenr has never said anything I agree with but hey credit where due she seems to have Bret spot on on her blog! #McCann he shud be ashamed

justice4maddie Seeking justice
@Lezs1967 Im far from Ryan fan, & never will be,but shes got Bret sussed out,ANYONE who thinks cancer is a joke is as low as it gets #mccann

Calfie Calfie
@Lezs1967 absolutely and when they see thro him as Bren rightly said they end up on his vile blog #mccann

Little did Tallulah know that rebellion had been brewing behind his back for a few weeks...even supposed devotees like What Carrot were unhappy with the Dear Leader...

Can't say I like David Bret or his vile books, but I do know he has the ear of some very influential people, some that I know and the old Labour crony establishment is still being dismantled.

Stephanie Davies hope scotland yard can do better then......i thought you were perhaps a good friend of david bret..although i know you dont speak like him''..he is vile for goodness sake..

Alison Wall Que, you're NOT a mate of David's? Oh, that's good - I thought you were.
Yesterday at 00:58 · 1 person
Stephanie Davies i thought she was as well
Yesterday at 01:00
Que Cherrett Stephanie, I understand what you mean about David Bret, he said some vile things about Arthur Askey, and Hilda Baker. I am glad to say the publishers refused to print his work on Will Hay as it is still considered to be a libel!!

Que Cherrett Kenneth Williams was a friend of mine, David just takes some of his best lines. I agree with a lot of what he said about this case, but it was me who put in a lot of the leg work for this petition. Occasionally I will like his comments and he mine but I think he can be too harsh with simple people, who I have always rather liked.

Simple people? No wonder he made Chucky 'I know I've got mental health issues' feel at home.

Can we expect Brat devotees like Chucky and Esse to now join in the bloodletting, or are they going to carry on pretending they had nothing to do with him?


  1. "Que Cherrett Kenneth Williams was a friend of mine" Oh yeah? Another one who knows the great and the glorious; anyone note that these people always know the ones who are dead? Can't deny anything you see, they are pushing up the daisies.

  2. Oh, dear, looks like there are many anti-McCann posters who do NOT like bret, and now they are coming out of the woodwork. I wonder if this will have the desired effect of sending him packing or whether he will, in his deluded mind, start attacking all and sundry? The latter, I hope, I just love a good bloodbath and backstabbing event.

  3. Morais is keeping very quiet about her involvement with Brat, isn't she?

    Lucky for her and Profiler Brown they both saw disaster looming and fled.

  4. Want to hear him speak? You don't? well tuff, as here he is, a couple of minutes into the video:

    (with thanks to an intrepid researcher)

  5. Did the ugly tree ever recover from the damage he did to it?

    Silly old fool - what's with the poncy earring and the T shirt to show off his scraggy neck?

    He's pushing 70, not 17. Eurgh.

  6. Bret backpeddling? This from his blog had me and friends creased up with laughter:

    "I belong to no groups, and I don't participate in forum banter. Both offer some degree of comfort and camaraderie but neither achieve much at the end of the day. I work alone. That way, if anything goes wrong, there's only me to blame."

    Who is he trying to kid?

  7. Shows how much judgement Esse, Chucky, Morais, Hardy and co have to get involved with him to begin with, doesn't it?

    And let's not forget he's a FB fwend of Gonc's.

  8. Esse, Chucky and Autumn seem to have gone awfully quiet about how wonderful Brat is, don't they?

  9. Didn't they jettison Pat Brown the moment she became a liability? She was of no further use, not that she had been much anyway; maybe bret is about to go the same route? Prayer mats out please. LOL

  10. Think she saw the writing on the wall when that ridiculous 'profile' bombed.
    She also saw what a shower of pitchforking nutjobs the Brats are and left their group without a backward glance....


    Linda Wrafter Removed all 16 ,Has anyone else noticed Pat Brown seems to have walked away from case after getting her book removed?
    6 hours ago · Like
    Marie Fonseca Yes, thought the same thing this morning Linda. Maybe no publicity is not good publicity?
    6 hours ago · Like
    Linda Wrafter Its good while since she mentioned Maddie isnt it ?
    6 hours ago · Like

    Debbie Carden Wray Pat Brown left when all the silly flying insults started, she doesnt go in for that sort of thing. She doesn't mind a bit of satire but she didn't like the innuendos and stuff. I suppose she thought if anything was getting near libelous it coiuld harm her in her professional capacity to be seen to be associated with it. I personally don't blame her, she is well thought of in the USA

  11. Wonder where you got the idea Pat Brown is
    well thought of in the States??????

  12. Que Cherrett and David Brat are the same person.
    He obviously thinks that people are stupid, but then he admitted it on justice4maddie page.

  13. Pat Brown is on a very slippery slope I believe. She certainly does not act in a very professional manner associating with the likes of Justice4Maddie crew of morons! Do hope she gets her come uppance very shortly and is made a laughing stock.
