Friday 4 November 2011


To gales of laughter, the pitchforkers' favourite Talking Head made these stunning announcements on Twitter:

ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN 
Legal suit is against the McCanns for libel and tortious interference with business.… #MadeleineMcCann
6 minutes ago

ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN 
McCann/Carter-Rucking of my book update: Attorney #AnneBremner will be representing me in upcoming legal suit #MadeleineMcCann

That's nice for her; her being an attorney, I am sure Anne  will understand about little things like, oh, jurisdiction.

And only a complete lunatic would announce that they are going to sue a British couple - who have never mentioned her name - for libel in the US.

Gentle Readers will see why so many onlookers fell off their chairs laughing at her.

This is good, though:

 tortious interference with business. 

I am sure Gentle Readers will wish to join me in thanking Pretendy Pitchforker for confirmation that she is in it for the money; but shouldn't she be taking it up with Amazon? 

It got even better, though.

ProfilerPatB PAT BROWN 
It is a Freedom of Speech issue: we cannot live in a world where no questions cannot be asked or varying opinions voiced. #MadeleineMcCann

So, what scoundrel is interfering with her 'Free Speach'? None that I can see; she is perfectly free to spout off her rubbish to anyone who will listen.

Alas, as Gonc has also discovered, she cannot force commercial enterprises to sell or otherwise handle her rubbish.

It isn't exactly flying off the shelves, is it?

  • Pub. Date: July 2011
  • Publisher: Pat Brown
  • Sold By: Barnes & Noble
  • Format: NOOK Book (eBook)
  • Sales Rank: 61,392

Maybe she is hoping this stunt will whip up demand for her unresearched garbage? Who knows? She is certainly keen to part the pitchforkers from their money - she's another one with the begging bowl out:

Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
A bank account with monies from the book has been established to fund the search which begins in Feb in Portugal. #MadeleineMccann
Like · Comment · 11 hours ago · 

Well, if they are stupid enough to want to pay for her jaunt to Portugal, who are we to stop her?

It's going to be a lean Christmas for pitchforkers, though, between stumping up for Gonc's legal bills, and paying for Ms Brown's jolly.

Because it is a jolly; she even tries to meddle, and she will find herself a guest of the PJ. And not in a good way.

But hey, who  cares? Thanks to attention-seekers extraordinaire Brown and Bennett, it's shaping up to be an entertaining winter.

What isn't funny is that these fakes, frauds, and media whores are doing all this to hurt Madeleine McCann and her parents.

For which they deserve every bit of scorn and ridicule that is heading their way.


  1. So, the madwoman who accused a father of carrying his dismembered daughter through UK customs - 'the bushmeat theory' is now going to sue the McCanns? FOR WHAT???? This has to be some kind of a sick stunt, surely? And does the attorney brown claims is going to represent her even know about it, the one whose DUI video and conviction is now spread all over the internet? If she does, then she is as sick, perverted and as money grabbing as brown. And those people who once supported brown, the ones on a certain hate site, how do they feel about it? I am given to understand from interested parties that they are not amused. I would suggest Pat the Prat goes and takes a very long run off a very short pier, preferably one that runs out over a quicksand.

  2. Tell Me Bush Meat Patty, why are you so desperate to make money off a missing child's back, first a book then suing?
    Are you really that broke?
    Or are you just one of those greedy bovines who enjoys robbing grieving parents for pleasure?

  3. She isn't in any great hurry to get searching is she. February is three months away. Oh, I forgot. That's when Goncalo Amaral is going to have to make a donation to The Find Madeleine Fund. That'll be great headlines for her.

    And I wouldn't half bet that Anne Bremner isn't going to be frightfully happy about her little embarrassment being splattered all over The World Wide Web.

  4. Ms. Brown is a money-grubbing opportunist. How low do you have to go to try and make money off a missing child? NOT ONCE have Gerry and Kate McCann libeled Ms. Brown or even spoken about her in public.

    From what I've heard, she's making all of this up. She doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. This is all for show for the pitch-forkers and so she can have people fork over their hard earned cash for her to go to Portugal in February.

    Ms. Brown, I hope you rot in Hell!

  5. I suppose she does know the weather isn't very good in Portugal in February? She probably thinks Portugal is in Africa, or something, as she seems to think the UK is part of the United States.

  6. It is being said in high places that she has been on the happy juice; if I remember rightly she did say somewhere that she enjoyed a tipple. Oh, and she is deleting posts, I think on twitter, which does make it look like she was PUI (posting under the influence). Either way, she has proved yet again that she is a nasty piece of work, a liar, and a cruel old woman with not one redeemable bone in her scraggy body.

  7. This is from her Facebook post. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown
    An adult school crossing guard just got mad at me for refusing to drive through the crosswalk when a child was still in the way.

    Criminal Profiler Pat Brown I mean, sure, I wanted to run the brat over because he was lollygagging as he crossed, holding up rush hour traffic, but still....
    2 hours ago · Like · 4

    I don't know what's more disturbing... The fact that she's talking about running over a child or that four people liked her comment. She's clearly sick in the head and the people that follow her are just plain loons.

  8. Brown's good at making sick 'jokes' about children, isn't she? Her 'joke' about the Irwin baby was vile.

  9. Any replies to requests to her for whether this is true, a publicity stunt or a sick windup? Any reply from Ann Bremner regarding her representing BushMeat Patty? Any truth in the suggestion that she is actually after the McCann Fund so as to finance this ridiculous search she claims she is going to make? And what the f**k is she going to search for in Rothley; can you see her marching up to the McCanns' front door and demanding entry so she can find a clue? Any idea where this case will be held - UK or USA? But most of all, HAS ANYONE SEEN ANYTHING, ANYWHERE THAT THE McCANNS HAVE WRITTEN THAT LIBELS HER? The stupid, drunken b!tch should be shut up somewhere safe so she can do no more harm.
