Monday 21 November 2011


As Gentle Readers may be aware, the quiet of a November Sunday was broken by Bushmeat Brown having yet another tantrum.

Doubtless she was already in a bad mood, as Jayelles had issued a challenge to her - and then, oh, the horror of it!


Rather than act like a grown-up, and answer these questions - or reply to Jayelles - she flounced off, taking her posts with her:

How very dare people ask her questions! 

Amused onlookers voted this Bushmeat's Best Hissy Fit since her last Hissy Fit. Gentle Readers will remember that one - when Bushmeat proved she was incapable of acting like a grown-up and asking just what exactly was the problem with her leaflet?

It also became increasingly clear that she wanted to keep her groupies in ignorance of her 'Bushmeat Theory', which involves mummifying corpses in the hot, dry sands of the Atlantic Ocean, and smuggling corpses onto EasyJet in one's hand luggage.

Whatever happened to all that 'Freedom of Speech' she is so keen on demanding for herself?

Bushmeat is now in more trouble than she can shake a stick at, and it is, as usual, entirely her own fault.

She has demonstrated, publically, that she simply will not answer polite questions from people who do  not agree with her. She won't get away with that in court.

She has also admitted that she is aware that there are legal issues with her leaflet, so, if she doesn't take steps to have it withdrawn pending clarification of the situation, then she will be responsible for any  consequences.

Still, what else can be expected from a woman on the wrong side of fifty whose idea of a good night out is disrupting a film made for, well, a less-mature market?

Ms Bremner must be appalled by the conduct of her Star Client; who would blame her if she was none too keen on getting further involved in Bushmeat's insanity?


  1. Am I on the right track called "professional" criminal profiler, as seen on TV writes a book accusing the Mccanns of murdering their child, gets told by Amazon it might be a bit on the libelous side and she's suing the Mccanns? Victims of her pamphlet and victims of her hormones as well? Correct me if I'm wrong here but I think Ms Brown looks like a vicious little berk.

  2. She can talk the talk, but yesterday she showed she can't walk the walk - least bit of pressure and she ran away.

    Bren Ryan
    Has Pat Brown done a runner? Today I posted a comment with a screenshot of Jayelles challenge and now I can't find the comment she made. It seems the post she created has been deleted... along with my screenshot and copy of Jayelles challenge.

    No offence Pat Brown, but if you have done a runner then it is obvious that Jayelles challenge is too much for you to deal with. If your research is as valid as you say it is, then you would highlight where Jayelles was wrong in her rebuttal...

    Speaks volumes doesn't it?


    She won't be able to run away in court when her stupid leaflet is torn to shreds. Or when all her past f*ck ups and foul ups are paraded in front of the court and the world's media.

    She wanted publicity, she needn't whine when she gets it, bigtime.

  3. It would appear the only thing she is good at is, running

  4. Victimizing Victims22 November 2011 at 00:14

    Yeah, running her mouth.... how many people do you know that are "professionals" that can sit on Facebook and Twitter all day long whoring themselves the way she does? It's obvious she has no real work and this is her way of drumming up business. She's a piss-poor "profiler" and piss-poor marketer.

    The running away part is probably Bremner telling her to keep her damn mouth shut. Unfortunately (or fortunately for the rest of us), the damage is done. All comments live forever on the Internet. Dumb ass. It couldn't happen to a nicer person .

  5. Question everyone wants answered - why isn't Ms Bremner saying anything about this?

    It's almost as if she doesn't know anything about it - and isn't it odd, the media don't want to know about it either.

    Brown is going to have a lot of explaining to do...
