Sunday, 30 December 2012


There's really only one story in this part of the internet as the year closes - the sickening revelation by Bennett that he took thousands of pounds from News International, channeled through the Lubbock Trust, as payment for his efforts to destroy Michael Barrymore.

He's admitted to profiting by  some £10,000 from NI, so few would be surprised if the real total was considerably higher.

Now, that would be quite bad enough, but no-one has forgotten the vicious attacks he launched at Kate and Gerry McCann when Kate's book, 'Madeleine', was serialized by NI. When all the time, his bank balance had been swelled considerably by NI.

Funny how he forgot to tell his cult supporters about that hypocrisy, isn't it?

And no-one needs reminding of Bennett's ranting and raving about the Murdoch press over the years - when all the time he himself had eagerly taken their money, having given it a quick spin-cycle through the Lubbock Trust.

Funny how he forgot to tell his cult supporters about that hypocrisy, isn't it?

No wonder Terry Lubbock and Harry Cichy detest the very mention of his name!

All of this might have stayed in the shadows, if Bennett hadn't decided to show off, mouth off, and further libel Michael Barrymore, but he just couldn't resist a bit of character assassination. Which is why he now has a posse of very angry people on his tail, and is in even more trouble.

Because here's the thing; rumours are spreading that, in the course of his campaign against Michael Barrymore, Bennett was at his usual tricks, altering witness statements, and telling untruths. Hope he wasn't taking money from News International under false pretences - they might be a bit annoyed about that. Hope he wasn't telling the Lubbock family a pack of lies - they might be a bit annoyed about that.

He needn't bother trying to sweep any of this under the carpet, as he usually does. The whole truth about this, and other matters, IS going to come out in 2013.

As 2012 draws to a close, perhaps this is an ideal time for Bennett's brown-nosers to take a long, hard look at their hero, and see him as the rest of the world does?


  1. So, the Lubbock family know Bennett was feeding them obscene lies about their son.

    THE dad of tragic Stuart Lubbock has told Michael Barrymore: “I don’t blame you for my son’s death.”

    Read more:

    What does it say about Bennett, that he can invent such filth? And take money for his inventions?

  2. What does it say about Bennett?
    Well it says he is a worthless piece of sheit!
