Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Alas, poor Bennett! Beset by legal troubles - and strangely unable to grasp that he has brought all of them on himself - he decided today was the day to launch an attack on one J. Blacksmith, due to said blogger's contempt for people who belong to a.....

sex and crime obsessed clique of self-righteous losers that thinks it’s acceptable to defame honourable men like McAlpine

Whoever could he mean? Surely not the hounders, with their fascination with other people's sex lives and soft furnishings?

But the cabaret wasn't over, oh dear me no, Gentle Readers. For the vast ego that is Bennett failed to grasp that this wasn't actually a genuine comment- 

I used to like what you wrote once but now it's clear that you don't really care for Madeleine and you don't fight for Tony Bennett, the only man BRAVE enough to take on the forces of the Establishment. Shame on you. Justice for Maddie, Norbury.

Modest as ever, Bennett replied to the Norbury One:

P.S. 'Justice for Maddie, Norbury', many thanks for your comments, but Goncalo Amaral is the brave one, he lost his job, and his family life suffered, and he has been mercilessly smeared and pursued - T.B.

You really couldn't make it up.....

As the finishing touch to this exercise in self-destruction, a disillusioned member announced that they had had enough of Bennett and his nonsense.

                     CLICK FOR FULL SIZE

Naturally, that was hastily removed, but not before awestruck onlookers had nabbed screengrabs, guessing correctly that the Free Speachers wouldn't permit such public treason to stand.

If he's like this when he gets bad news - according to rumours from  Sauces - what on earth is he going to be like when he's in the High Court Dock? Can our ribs withstand such hilarity?


  1. Oh the great sense of absolute power he must feel when he hits the delete button.


  2. And he thinks Blacksmith's a spy....

    Always keep in mind that, as 'blacksmith' has frequently boasted, he is well connected with the UK's state security services

    Bennett's been hanging round the Icke site too much.

  3. The thread was removed jamaljr, obviously it was a pro plant here trying to disrupt this forum and cause trouble. So predictable

    Not a very nice way for Candyfloss to talk about Respected Members who dare to disagree with Bennett, is it?

    And neither is calling them 'trolls'.

    Re: Pro can see what I cannot?
    Jean Today at 2:30 pm

    This relates to a topic deleted because the original poster was a troll.


    So much for their Free Speach - if anyone doesn't toe the Bennett line, they're a troll.
