Dear me! What is this muratfan has found?
Mike Hardy
Rachel. Please DON'T be sorry, sweetheart. I am so NOT preaching morals here!!
There is a LONG list of them that I not only despise with a passion, but I actually RELISH the prospect of finding and meeting them!
I have a wonderful scenario that plays in my head whereby I have Muratfan, Chicane, Urcrazytoo, Wicatty 009, TigerTiger, Nowaymojo, GARTH, Bonniebraes, to name BUT A FEW; stripped naked, tied up and bent over a suitable fence, smeared in corn syrup, whereupon I then get to release a couple of VERY large RAMPANT 'Batchelor' male Silverback Mountain gorillas into the equation.
Disgusting! And to think he is a FB friend of Dr Goncalo!
And what is this? Why, 'tis Chucky trying to get other sites shut down AGAIN.
Carly Michelle Dunham
time to report ... 5241881648 Chicane didnt learn anything!!!
What's she going to do - set her Sim dollies on Chicane?
Antoinette really should have a word with Chucky about her conduct.
More at:
Oh, PS - Bren is most certainly NOT muratfan, as a good few in that cyber-Manson family hanging around Brat know perfectly well.
So, why have
done nothing to stop the threats of violence?
This their way of getting their own back, is it?
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Looks like Brat's latest excesses have disgusted even some of his allies:
No wonder Spudgun Hardy is running scared in case the press find out who he is involved with.
Bret is clearly sick in the head and generally bad news for the hater cause.
Many thanks to:
And whichever hater got scared at what Brat is doing. Not that many normal, decent people care if Brat takes the whole hater movement down with him.
Oh, nearly forgot about this!
Oh, this has just arrived!
David Bret I hope you're not asking me to give you the number of the Sun's sub-editor, because there's NO way I'm going to tell you that it's 020 77** 4***....but I am going to tell you to be careful what you say, polite (even though they are not) and non-confrontational. Just don't drop us (and me) in it any further
No, don't anyone drop Tallulah any further in it with the Sun, they are already a bit miffed with him about the business of him wanting the McCanns and Antonella Lazzeri killed.
The 'Valentino Ladies' are just a few of those who have been on the receiving end of Brat's filthy tongue and foul mind; so they are just thrilled skinny that he has fetched up in the Sun.
Affairs Valentino
Don't Believe The Lies About Evelyn Zumaya or Affairs Valentino!
If you, dear readers, scroll down to the end of the above linked article, you will find mention of someone oft referred to in this blog. The mention appears just below the photograph of the parents of a missing child, Madeleine McCann. As I have been defending myself from David Bret’s attacks on me and my work over the past two years, I was completely unaware of his blog involvement with the case of this missing child. I remember the tragic event of her disappearance when it occurred but I have not much other knowledge of the case. About two months ago someone sent me a link to Bret’s blog about this missing child. Quite frankly I was horrified.
The first thing that hit me was the “adult disclaimer” page on Bret’s McCann blog. Why, I thought, would a blog concerning a missing child require an adult disclaimer. Then I realized why…because David Bret was writing it! After all I had been the target of his signature brand of unholy perverse comments and images…and I knew them all very well. But I am a parent and a grand parent and I was sickened to think of how this had to be adding to this missing child’s parents profound pain. I could only imagine their grief and daily anguish not knowing the fate of their precious baby. And to have someone like David Bret “blog involved” in any capacity was an unthinkable horror.
I know what it feels like to have him attacking you…or worse…feigning to be such a god damn hero when he is in fact adding immeasurably to an already bad situation. Feigning to be the victim of his own generated hell, feigning he has contacts with Scotland Yard, feigning he is put out by any of this. He loves this…this is his manna…disorder and the pain of his victims.
My only question would be this one for David Bret: Since you write almost exclusively sexually referenced and highly depraved material, since you attack your critics with words of hate and slander and scatological reference, since you think it funny to mock my father’s death and my death, since you find it amusing and just to write about my private parts and personal hygiene, on and on…how in god’s name do you think it appropriate in any measure that you would run a blog devoted to a missing child? I find this very sick.
I think the most offensive new tactic of David Bret is to act like the victim in any of this. He is contacting Scotland Yard? For what…to tell them that he has been blatantly and publicly defaming innocent people online for years? To tell them that he willfully and without hesitation ruins the reputations of people who dare to criticize him or his work? To tell them he has posted lies upon lies online …lies that have caused and continue to cause tremendous suffering to his victims?
As I have written here before I once tried to go away and drop off of Bret’s hateful radar. It did not work. For the nearly one year I was silent he continued. He did so to keep my online presence a lesson in infamy. For this I now post and fight back. It is a question of math as I have pointed out before…exhausting math. Even last week as he pretended to critique my book he was writing heavy, sick sexual references about me….claiming I participated in a sexual act which I really had never heard of…I had to look it up. Won’t repeat it here. NO legitimate review of a book includes such matter!!
So KUDOS to the Sun reporters…they found out and I am pleased. They called his actions “immoral”. They are. And they called him a troll. I say perfect.
Coincidently the moment the Sun's mention appeared, David Bret’s blog attacking me and Hala Pickford was removed. It disappeared once before for about two days…after I sent the police to his home…I venture to bet it will be back up and abusing asap… But if David Bret is so very proud of what he writes and such an innocent victim in this horrible situation he generated and maintains…then why did he panic and hide the evidence? I think I know why...he feared I would contact the Sun and they in turn might take a look at his other blog…the one about those “Valentino women in the USA”…so he hid the goods. Well I have screenshots as I have said of every word…its not gone. And as the Google search mess about me and my book and my father is still contaminated by him…his foul blog is not forgotten. I do not have to remove my blog in the middle of the night to hide evidence as he did…I stand by every word on this blog and am proud of my defense of my reputation and my work.
“Anonymous from London” sent me the link to the Sun piece. Thank you very much. And I am on this.
Expose David Bret.
Isn't it amazing how many people say Brat's garbage makes them want to scrub their monitors with Dettol?
I do hope Brat and his gang of freaks don't have any silly ideas about running to the Sun boo-hooing; Sources say the Sun has rather a lot of material about all of them. As does the rest of the media.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Are the haters proud of themselves today? Knowing that that is how they are seen by normal, decent people?
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
You are having trouble getting representation, we hear. This is because, to use legal terms, you haven't a leg to stand on and are up Sh*t Creek without a paddle.
So, free of charge, here is some advice which will help get you out of your present difficulties.
1. Close the Foundation site and Haverns - or rather, your forum - at once. Both sites are overflowing with libel, smears, lies and malicious allegations about innocent people. They cannot be salvaged.
2. Grovel to your victims. Plead insanity. Claim you were misled. Blame anyone or anything you can, but the main thing is - apologise and grovel.
3. Instead of being dragged into the High Court, cut out the middleman and make a hefty, voluntary donation to the Find Madeleine fund.
4. Never, ever again meddle in anything more contentious than the local parish council. Do NOT start harrassing another family; the Morgans are being warned about you as we speak.
5. Face it - it's over for you and the whole hate campaign. The only question is how many of your supporters you are going to take down with you. You know you don't stand a chance in the High Court, because you made up all those disgusting stories, didn't you?
Time to 'fess up, Bennett and admit what you did to your dwindling band of followers.
6. Stop trying to cut deals with Carter Ruck. No-one is interested; you have pushed everyone too far. There is also the small matter of you breaking your solemn word to HM the Queen, as represented by the officers of the High Court.
You are not a victim, Bennett, the people you have stalked, smeared and harrassed are the victims. YOU are a volunteer; YOU chose this course of action and you will get no sympathy from anyone when your words and actions are all over the British media. Of course, tick tock the floodgates will open then, and the media will use all the material they have about YOU and the rest of the haters and pitchforkers.
Remember this?
You should have stayed that way; if you had, you would not be staring ruin in the face.
There is one law firm that might represent you - if you haven't sold your soul already, that is.
So, free of charge, here is some advice which will help get you out of your present difficulties.
1. Close the Foundation site and Haverns - or rather, your forum - at once. Both sites are overflowing with libel, smears, lies and malicious allegations about innocent people. They cannot be salvaged.
2. Grovel to your victims. Plead insanity. Claim you were misled. Blame anyone or anything you can, but the main thing is - apologise and grovel.
3. Instead of being dragged into the High Court, cut out the middleman and make a hefty, voluntary donation to the Find Madeleine fund.
4. Never, ever again meddle in anything more contentious than the local parish council. Do NOT start harrassing another family; the Morgans are being warned about you as we speak.
5. Face it - it's over for you and the whole hate campaign. The only question is how many of your supporters you are going to take down with you. You know you don't stand a chance in the High Court, because you made up all those disgusting stories, didn't you?
Time to 'fess up, Bennett and admit what you did to your dwindling band of followers.
6. Stop trying to cut deals with Carter Ruck. No-one is interested; you have pushed everyone too far. There is also the small matter of you breaking your solemn word to HM the Queen, as represented by the officers of the High Court.
You are not a victim, Bennett, the people you have stalked, smeared and harrassed are the victims. YOU are a volunteer; YOU chose this course of action and you will get no sympathy from anyone when your words and actions are all over the British media. Of course, tick tock the floodgates will open then, and the media will use all the material they have about YOU and the rest of the haters and pitchforkers.
Remember this?
You should have stayed that way; if you had, you would not be staring ruin in the face.
There is one law firm that might represent you - if you haven't sold your soul already, that is.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Insomniacs and those in US timezones got a treat last night - someone calling themselves 'happylarry' visited what the haters coyly refer to as TCMOMM - normal people call it Hellhole. Happylarry had a jolly time to himself, with the kind of capers not seen since
lifted his leg and wee'd all over 3A.
A sample of Happy's work:
And what did the happy chappy post, you make ask? Well, 'twas this:
Over. And over. And over again. With not a single mod or Admin in sight - until Bennett came to the rescue.
Perhaps some panicking hounder had phoned Head Hounder in the wee small hours? Who knows? Who cares?
Suffice to say, Head Hounder waded in and made this most foolish - and expensive - post:
So, Bennett is Admin there? Rather flies in the face of what he has said to Carter Ruck. It has long been suspected he was indeed Admin, but there was no proof until now. But there it is, straight from the mouth of the panicking horse.
Oh, and the only thing the residents of TCMOMM are getting near to is a court date. It certainly isn't anything resembling 'the truth' - they couldn't find their own backsides in the dark.
Their forte is more libel, stalking, smearing and harrassment of innocent people.
After all, Bennett couldn't even tell Carter Ruck the truth about his status at TCMOMM, could he? Never mind, that was an unexpected bonus for Happylarry. And other interested parties.
ETA, what is this? It appears to be Bennett telling Carter Ruck yet more porkies a few weeks ago:
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Yes, Gentle Readers, this small corner of cyberspace awoke to the joyous news that Head Hounder is on course for a mighty legal spanking - and not before time.
Oddly, he seems to have forgotten to fully mention the contempt of court charges, and the criminal harrassment charges, and one or two other little legal problems which are winging his way.
And it was an act of utter folly to start on yet another innocent family, but the consequences of that will fall squarely on Bennett's head - and possibly those spreading smears and lies.
Congratulations are in order to all the hater hydra trolls who gleefully spread Bennett's malicious and unfounded allegations about the Smethursts to other sites; they, too are going to cost Bennett a pretty penny.
And I do hope ALL of the haters are aware of the implications of the forthcoming legal actions for them. No?
Let me explain.
The press have indeed been stockpiling all sorts of interesting things - ABOUT THEM.
Once the court case against Bennett starts, well, tick tock, the tide will turn and the floodgates will open. And the haters are going to be swept away in a media-tsunami of their own filth.
The media will have a perfect excuse to use all their goodies - like the Hindley Fan's vile posts. I wonder how Ms Wrafter's neighbors will feel when they pick up their Sun, Express or Mail, and discover they have been sharing oxygen with someone who praises a serial torturer and murderer of defenceless children?
Brat's 'career', such as it was, is now ruined - what will people think when they see the filth he has been spouting on all those fake Facebook sites the Bratettes took such delight in setting up?
Whatever will Chucky's Policeman Brother think when his sister gets herself in the Sun?
It will do ever so much good for Gonc's image, too - his UK mouthpiece being hauled into the High Court.
Bennett is going to take the whole Hate Industry down with him, and if they haven't worked that out yet, then they are even bigger fools than anyone thought.
It is all over for the haters the instant Bennett enters the High Court.
Speed the day.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Well done to Chicane, for laying bare the sickness underneath all the lover of nice people, pretentious pinkness.
Her tour de force is here:
Read it in full, and see just what is behind the Facebook freaks. The Brats think this is big and clever:
Dirty pig.
Clearly mentally diseased.
Thing is - the normal, decent people who support efforts to find Madeleine reckon Brat is the best thing ever to happen to the hate industry. He is an even bigger walking disaster area than Bennett - and that takes some doing.
He does have help, of course, from Myra Hindley's Number One Fan:
Nice bunch, aren't they?
You can read all about them here:
ETA, here's another opinion of Brat:
I saw David Bret interviewed on TV once, and I felt very sorry for him. From his appearance I suspect he has had a very rough life. But that's no excuse to take his hurt and anger out on Mr. Flynn and others like him. I therefore would like to issue to Mr. Bret a most fervent appeal: Please sir, write no more books! What you are doing is immoral, unworthy, and ultimately life-destroying. It sells short the unfortunate people you write about, the public who might unsuspectingly buy your books, and even you yourself. If you wish to be a biographer, then I beg you, by all means, be a biographer. But don't be what you currently are - a third-rate writer of unsubstantiated tabloid trash who is merely satisfying the evidently insatiable public thirst for titillating filth, all for the sake of a sleazy buck (or quid).
And for God's sake, why not try to find a way to make a dignified living without preying on the defenseless dead?
Oh, dignified and Brat don't go together - he decided to prey on defenceless LIVING people.
Shamefully, a missing child, her family, friends and supporters.
On the grounds of taste and consideration for the McCann family, Chicane has removed the whole post from public view, with this message:
Her tour de force is here:
Read it in full, and see just what is behind the Facebook freaks. The Brats think this is big and clever:
Dirty pig.
Clearly mentally diseased.
Thing is - the normal, decent people who support efforts to find Madeleine reckon Brat is the best thing ever to happen to the hate industry. He is an even bigger walking disaster area than Bennett - and that takes some doing.
He does have help, of course, from Myra Hindley's Number One Fan:
Nice bunch, aren't they?
You can read all about them here:
ETA, here's another opinion of Brat:
I saw David Bret interviewed on TV once, and I felt very sorry for him. From his appearance I suspect he has had a very rough life. But that's no excuse to take his hurt and anger out on Mr. Flynn and others like him. I therefore would like to issue to Mr. Bret a most fervent appeal: Please sir, write no more books! What you are doing is immoral, unworthy, and ultimately life-destroying. It sells short the unfortunate people you write about, the public who might unsuspectingly buy your books, and even you yourself. If you wish to be a biographer, then I beg you, by all means, be a biographer. But don't be what you currently are - a third-rate writer of unsubstantiated tabloid trash who is merely satisfying the evidently insatiable public thirst for titillating filth, all for the sake of a sleazy buck (or quid).
And for God's sake, why not try to find a way to make a dignified living without preying on the defenseless dead?
Oh, dignified and Brat don't go together - he decided to prey on defenceless LIVING people.
Shamefully, a missing child, her family, friends and supporters.
On the grounds of taste and consideration for the McCann family, Chicane has removed the whole post from public view, with this message:
Is David Bret involved in Madeleine's abduction..??
by Chicane » Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:25 am
For me as a real pro, supporting Madeleine and her family, this was not an easy subject to research and publish.
David Bret is exposed and confronted by his own insolent behavior on the Internet and in particular on Facebook.
His blog which he used to stalk and attack staff and supporters of the Official Find Madeleine Campaign has been removed.
Let's hope the Facebook pages where all libellous and defamatory texts, as shown here, will also be removed.
It is really unbearable to maintain his dirty lyrics here and to see and read what has been done to Kate and Gerry McCann and supporters of the family.
Bret now knows he will be watched closely and we will not hesitate to publish again if nescessary!
This topic has served its purpose and therefor it will be moved to the closed section of PFA2.
Admin/Mods, please move the thread to the private section. Thanks.
David Bret is exposed and confronted by his own insolent behavior on the Internet and in particular on Facebook.
His blog which he used to stalk and attack staff and supporters of the Official Find Madeleine Campaign has been removed.
Let's hope the Facebook pages where all libellous and defamatory texts, as shown here, will also be removed.
It is really unbearable to maintain his dirty lyrics here and to see and read what has been done to Kate and Gerry McCann and supporters of the family.
Bret now knows he will be watched closely and we will not hesitate to publish again if nescessary!
This topic has served its purpose and therefor it will be moved to the closed section of PFA2.
Admin/Mods, please move the thread to the private section. Thanks.
It hasn't gone away - it, and worse from Brat, WILL be used and sent off to interested parties should the need arise.
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