They couldn't get enough of his tall tales of his adventures with his lawnmower.
Gentle Readers will recall how they hung on his every word, begging for more. Dissenting Hounders were banned for not believing him. Others were blocked from posting if they didn't toe the Party Line.
Until last night. When Birch posted this:
For some reason, the news that their beloved Saint Goncalol is a drunken wreck was almost instantly censored. And the very idea that he had been planting evidence! Unthinkable!
It was censored in minutes, removed as if it had never been. Not quickly enough, however.
Which is why bewildered Hounders had to go elsewhere to read the truth about what their Forum Posterboy had said.
Could they also be trying to hide the truth about how much trouble Bennett is in? Surely not - but it isn't a very good omen, is it?