Friday 11 November 2011


I am sure Gentle Readers are finding the whole spectacle of some of the nastiest people ever to soil the internet frothing, foaming, and carpet-chewing over the FB affair as amusing as it is hypocritical; especially as they are all incapable of grasping little things like why it's largely their own fault it happened.

With truly stunning hypocrisy, their current pinup girl banned dissenters from her own FB.

Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann I have banned Pamela. She does not understand this is NOT an open page. It it is MY page and she comes here to be a pain to me and everyone here; it is called harassment and cyberbullying, not Freedom of Speech.

So, how does that work, when some of Pretendy's Number One Fans enjoy nothing better than discussing how to troll the Official Find Madeleine site, and to generally cause trouble for normal, decent people?

Oh, what have we here? What were they plotting a while back?

Lynn Lacey Bloody hell i must be banned from the saintly page must have my comment to Kate about the blue holdall and did it ever turn up?Sod em their day will come soon enough when goncalo gets them in court in september

And what's this bit of hater nastiness?

Que Cherrett Ha ha nutters....still we should have some pages to reel them in and plant seeds of doubt! Play them at their own game...but no chance to whoosh clunk us!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 person
Rachel Louise George likes this.
Rachel Louise George lol well your comments are staying, i think the `free candle for every signature` swung it!!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 2 people
Anna Robson and Que Cherrett like this.
John Mckinley They are so dumb they don't even know when people are mocking them

2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 3 people
John Mckinley An d another thing,you owe me a pint que. I was banned and whooshed ages ago. Here's another bet for you,David to be gone within five minutes.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 person
Linda Wrafter Ive been booted ,chuff knows why ,have these cretins not got a sense of humour ffs ?

More hater skullduggery?

Que Cherrett I can't do the link here, that would feck them off so be careful, maybe not allow comments...some of these pages need to start liking each other! And we should start using each others names and pictures...Gerry said confusion was good.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike

Why are these people so foul-mouthed?

Alistair Mellor I find it hilarious that most of the tw*ts on here Jolly Jimmy Veronica McFARTLAND, Wendy Eastlake Owens have blocked me, thats because Is peak the f*cking truth and we all know you are at max 2 people using different names ah well keep claiming your f*cking benefits and chatting w*nk, I also see Merz the fattest person in the UK is also missing of late mind you she may just be on a 1789 hour bender, apparently she like to drink as well as eat gosh I bet she f*cks on her first date

No surprise who seems quite at home in that low company, though 

Carly Michelle Dunham yes carla im not saying thats what happned but its possible we were staying at a hotel when i had my accident and let me tell you even aged 30 at the time i screamed the hotel down

Carly Michelle Dunham
without the links i will just say pros mcannns need help bigtime imo and i say that as someone with mental health issuest

Must be the first time Chucky's ever got anything right.

Oh, and no glimpse of  the FB haters would be complete without one of their finest, funniest own goals ever. Gentle Readers will remember the excitement that spread throughout Hateland when Wrafter announced to her fellow-ghouls that she was booking non-existent coaches to the non-existent court case in Lisbon back in September.

The haters were practically fighting each other to book seats. Totally unaware that it was a 'joke', as rather a lot of people knew all along. 

She announced

Linda Wrafter
Bit naughty i suppose ,but the chimps will be frantic .......Just tweeted this ..... justice4maddie Seeking justice
We on F/B have got a 54 seater coach up to go to court for #mccann appeal, there are 6 vacant seats if interested please message me

The 'chimps' weren't 'frantic' at all, but watching the haters make fools of themselves, over a 'joke' by one of their own kind, was the best show in town.


  1. Just when you think they can't get any funnier, a new bunch of haters join them and freshen the entertainment, and of course, the evergreen Carly Michelle...........................if Carlsberg made pitchforkers.........

  2. Chucky at her foul-mouthed best:

    using the 'f' word to describe Madeleine McCann.

    One of these days, people are going to contact the policeman brother she's always on about and tell him what his darling sister gets up to on the internet.

  3. F**ing Madeline....nice touch from the princess who liked posting the demise of a senior citizen who enhanced her enjoyment of a casino visit. Anyone else remember her proclimation she loved a child she'd never met halfway round the world more than the child's own mother? How about she felt better said tiny child were dead than imagine her alive?

    Sorry Mac, Carly, even Mother Nature tried to strangle her at birth!

  4. Her fellow-pitchforkers loathe her as much as everyone else does, happily.

    Partly because she is an embarrassment to them, but mainly because she's a boring, attention-seeking pain in the arse.

    No wonder they had a FB group she didn't know about to get away from her endless stories about how she screams the place down every time she wants attention.

  5. Completely correct! Do you also remember her "Do you guys like me?" thread on I believe the 3 as?

    As for the attention seeking, the "I am in pain" nonsense, this is cyberspace, it makes no difference here.

    Immature in every way sums her up. A liability to any cause, even pitchforking.

  6. Chucky's done so many threads begging for attention - remember the one about her ifork? She started a thread to tell everyone on MM she'd got an iphone for Xmas, and they were all like, Yeah, wonderful, and she kept on and on about her phone, just wouldn't take the hint and STFU.

  7. Oh yes. Remember the previous christmas photo of her presents? Computer games, dollies and teddies? How old was she then? 31?

  8. That Linda Wrafter is a one isn't she? What a wag! Jolly japes! I have absolutely no doubt at all that all the "chimps" were "frantic" over a load of pitchforkers taking a big bus to court. How terrifying is that? And 54 of them.............or rather 48? Thats going in mob handed isn't it?

  9. Even better that neither the court date or the coaches existed, but they all fell for it.

  10. And just as good a pitchforker with no respect for a missing child or her fellow haters had nothing better to do with her time than think it up and post it.

    I have no doubt a few posters, those on either side made some comment, good and bad.

    I can see no reason why I personally or anyone I know as posters would be "frantic". Frantic about what? A bunch of pitchforkers on a charrabang, stopping every 2 miles for a wee in a hedge on account of the 'bow?

    What tweets followed this "revelation" Mac, did you see any? Were they "frantic"? Any of us chimps worrying our overtime was coming to am end with Christmas so close?

  11. No, didn't see any 'frantic chimps', tho I did see a lot of people ROLFMAO at the ghouls and haters getting into a lather about coaches and court dates that didn't actually exist.

    Small things please small minds, I guess.

  12. I am assuming the pitchforkers have forgiven Wrafter for making them look like a bunch of idiots?

  13. Some of them were pretty cross with her for making them look like a bunch of pitchforking nutjobs, tho they do a pretty good job of them without any help.
    She's as big a liability as Chucky.
